Short Stories » The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
A Wolf found great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing to the vigilance of the shepherd and his dogs. But one day it found the skin of a sheep that had been flayed and thrown aside, so it put it on over its own pelt and strolled down among the sheep. The Lamb that belonged to the sheep, whose skin the Wolf was wearing, began to follow the Wolf in the Sheepโs clothing; so, leading the Lamb a little apart, he soon made a meal off her, and for some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.
Appearances are deceptive.
Wolf In Sheep'S Clothing - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3
Always be honest, because pretending to be someone else can get you into trouble.
Wolf In Sheep'S Clothing - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6
Always be honest and genuine, because trying to deceive others can lead to your own downfall.
Wolf In Sheep'S Clothing - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9
Be careful who you trust, as appearances can be deceiving, just like the wolf disguised in sheep's clothing.
3 Fun Facts
- The wolf cleverly disguises himself in sheep's clothing to sneak into the flock without being noticed.
- The farmer catches the disguised wolf and turns the tables by using his trick against him.
- This story teaches us the lesson that deception can lead to unexpected consequences.
Quiz for Class 1,2,3
- What kind of animal did the wolf dress up as to trick the sheep?
- Why did the wolf want to join the flock of sheep?
- What happened to the wolf at the end of the story?
Quiz for Class 4,5,6
- What was the wolf's plan to catch a sheep from the flock?
- How did the farmer discover the wolf among the sheep?
- What lesson did the wolf learn from his failed attempt to deceive the flock?
Quiz for Class 7,8,9
- What was the wolf's plan to blend in with the sheep and avoid detection from the shepherd?
- How did the shepherd accidentally discover the wolf's true identity?
- What lesson can be learned from the wolf's experience in this story regarding deceit and disguise?
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