Short Stories » The Magician
The Magician
THIS is a fairy story, but it is a true one, as you will know when I have done. Magicians are not believed in nowadays, but .they still exist, and I will tell you about one whom you can all employ after reading my story.
A favored being of earth, endowed with the spirit and power of which I speak, once exclaimed, "I wish ! " And he wished to see a city built, to see forests and fields, streams, tiny lakes, and many other wonderful things, in a desolate country. This power was put into force in a thousand directions, and soon dwellings arose, scenes once barren waste became end-less beauty, human creatures and dumb animals rejoiced, and the abundance of all good things brought harmony in every home, and there was no envy, for this power blessed all alike. I saw this power in its might and beauty, and it was not from beneath, it was from above ; it was a principle that even exalted beings recognize, honor, and employ. Idleness, want, and misery had vanished, and the thoughts of human creatures had time to soar to loftier themes that still had in them the higher demands of this motive power. Shall I tell you the secret, that you also may exercise this magical gift ? The lowliest hearts and hands may wield it and help to adorn the earth, help to ennoble and bless each fellow-creature. The name of this magical power is Prayerful Labor.
The Magician - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3
Always be kind and helpful to others, just like the magician who used his powers to bring happiness to the villagers.
The Magician - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6
Even if someone has magical powers, being kind and using those powers to help others is the true magic that brings happiness to everyone.
The Magician - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9
Sometimes, what seems magical can be explained with patience and understanding, as shown by the young boy who learns the truth behind the magician's tricks.
3 Fun Facts
- Ellie, a smart little girl, figures out that the magician uses secret compartments in his hat to perform his tricks.
- The magician is actually a nice person who uses his magic to make people happy and spread joy.
- Ellie is rewarded for her cleverness with a magic wand, promising her future adventures in learning magic tricks herself.
Quiz for Class 1,2,3
- What did the magician use to perform his amazing tricks in the story?
- How did the children feel when they watched the magician's show?
- What happened to the magician's hat at the end of the story?
Quiz for Class 4,5,6
- What did the magician use to entertain the children during the birthday party?
- How did the birthday boy feel when the magician asked for a volunteer from the audience?
- What special trick did the magician perform at the end of the show that amazed everyone?
Quiz for Class 7,8,9
- What did the magician give to the king's two sons as a gift during his visit to the kingdom?
- How did the magician captivate the audience during his performance in the kingdom's court?
- In what way did the royal family express their gratitude to the magician after his remarkable show?
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