Short Stories » The Boy and Little Great Lady
The Boy and Little Great Lady
SHE was always called the "little great lady," for she lived in a grand house, and was very rich. He was a strange boy; the little great lady never knew whence he came, or whither he went. She only saw him when the snow lay deep upon the ground. Then in the early morning he swept a pathway to the stable in which she had once kept a white rabbit. When it was quite finished, she came down the steps in her white dress and little thin shoes, with bows on them, and walked slowly along the pathway. It was always swept so dry she might have worn paper shoes without getting them wet. At the far end he always stood waiting till she came, and smiled and said, “Thank you, little boy," and passed on. Then he was no more seen till the next snowy morning, when again he swept the pathway ; and again the little great lady came down the steps in her dainty shoes, and went on her way to the stable.
But at last, one morning when the snow lay white and thick, and she came down the steps as usual, there was no pathway. The little boy stood leaning on a spade, his feet buried deep in the snow.
“Where is your broom? and where is the pathway to the rabbit house? “she asked.
“The rabbit is dead, and the broom is worn out," he answered;” and I am tired of making pathways that lead to empty houses."
“But why have you done it so long?” she asked.
“You have bows on your shoes," he said;” and they are so thin you could not walk over the snow in them why, you would catch your death of cold," he added, scornfully.
“What would you do if I wore boots?”
"I should go and learn how to build ships, or paint pictures, or write books. But I should not think of you so much," he said.
The little great lady answered eagerly, “Go and learn how to do all those things; I will wait till you come back and tell me what you have done," and she turned and went into the house.
"Good-bye," the boy said, as he stood watching for a moment the closed door;” dear little great lady, good-bye." And he went along the unmade pathway beyond the empty rabbit house.
The Boy and Little Great Lady - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3
Even when someone seems small or young, they can achieve great things and leave a big impact on others.
The Boy and Little Great Lady - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6
Even the smallest acts of kindness and courage, like that of the little girl who helped the lost boy, can have a big impact on others.
The Boy and Little Great Lady - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9
Always show respect and kindness to others, no matter their age or background, because everyone has something valuable to teach us.
3 Fun Facts
- Alex the boy becomes best friends with a tiny, magical lady named Jova who lives in a little crystal house in the forest.
- Jova uses her magic to help Alex with his chores, making them fun and easy with her spells and enchantments.
- Together, Alex and Jova go on many exciting adventures, discovering hidden treasures and unraveling mysteries in the forest.
Quiz for Class 1,2,3
- What does the boy love to do every Sunday?
- Who does the boy meet when he goes to the garden?
- What does the boy learn from the little great lady?
Quiz for Class 4,5,6
- What are the different chores Rami helped his grandmother with around the house?
- How did Rami ensure his grandmother felt loved and cared for after she took a rest?
- What was the special name that Rami called his grandmother, and why did he choose it?
Quiz for Class 7,8,9
- What act of kindness does the boy perform for the Little Great Lady that showcases his helpful nature?
- How does the Little Great Lady show her gratitude towards the boy, and how does this impact his situation?
- Describe the change in the boy's life after he encounters the Little Great Lady and the specific event that leads to this transformation.
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