Short Stories » A Christmas Surprise - Page 1 of 4

A Christmas Surprise

It was two days before Christmas. Harry, Cornelius, Monty and I were busy building a snowman when Fritz appeared with his little niece Emily and introduced her.

“Emily is from the South and has never seen snow before,” Fritz told us. “She doesn’t know much about our winters.”

It turned out that Emily didn’t know much about Christmas also. ”Who is Santa Claus, Waldo?” she asked me, shivering in the cold air.

“Santa Claus,” I explained, “brings presents and toys to human children at Christmas time.”

“Does he bring presents to animal children also?” Emily asked.

“Well,” I said, “he hasn’t been around this part of the forest for many years. I guess he is too busy visiting all the human children to have much time left for animals.”

“Do you think he will come if I write to him?” Emily asked.

“I don’t think so,” said Monty. “I’ve never seen him, myself.”

“Neither have I,” Harry added, shaking his head.

“You see. Santa Claus is only for human children,” Fritz said to Emily. “So forget about the whole idea. Let’s go home now before you catch a cold.”

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Christmas Surprise - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Always be kind and helpful to others because it can bring joy and happiness to everyone, just like a surprise gift on Christmas.

Christmas Surprise - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

In the story "Christmas Surprise," we learn that the joy of giving and showing love to others can create magical and unforgettable moments during the holiday season.

Christmas Surprise - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

The true spirit of Christmas is found in the joy of giving and sharing happiness with others.

3 Fun Facts

  • The little boy in the story is named Alex, and he has a pet dog called Sparky.
  • Alex and Sparky discover a hidden gift under the Christmas tree that wasn't there before.
  • The surprise gift was a special toy train set that Alex had been wishing for all year.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What special event was Tommy and Sarah's family looking forward to celebrating together?
  • Who helped Tommy and Sarah prepare the surprise for their parents on Christmas morning?
  • What did Tommy and Sarah do to make their Christmas morning extra special and memorable for their parents?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What was the special occasion that the children in the story were preparing for?
  • How did the children's family make Christmas extra special that year?
  • What unexpected event happened that changed the children's perspective on the real meaning of Christmas?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What was the initial plan of the family for Christmas before the unexpected event changed their plans?
  • How did the community come together to support the family during their difficult time?
  • What lesson did the family learn about the true spirit of Christmas by the end of the story?

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