Short Stories » In the Moonlight

In the Moonlight

HE picked a buttercup, and held it up to her chin. "Do you like butter?” he asked.

“Butter!" she exclaimed. "They are not made into butter. They are made into crowns for the Queen; she has a new one every morning."

"I'll make you a crown," he said. “You shall wear it to-night."

" But where will my throne be ?" she asked.

"It shall be on the middle step of the stile by the corn-field."

So when the moon rose I went out to see.

He wore a red jacket and his cap with the feather in it. Round her head there was a wreath of buttercups; it was not much like a crown. On one side of the wreath there were some daisies, and on the other was a little bunch of blackberryblossom.

“Come and dance in the moonlight," he said ; so she climbed up and over the stile, and stood in the corn-field holding out her two hands to him. He took them in his, and then they danced round and round all down the pathway, while the wheat nodded wisely on either side, and the poppies awoke and wondered. On they went, on and on through the corn-field towards the broad green meadows stretching far into the distance. On and on, he shouting for joy, and she laughing out so merrily that the sound travelled to the edge of the wood, and the thrushes heard, and dreamed of Spring. On they went, on and on, and round and round, he in his red jacket, and she with the wild flowers dropping one by one from her wreath. On and on in the moonlight, on and on till they had danced all down the corn-field, till they had crossed the green meadows, till they were hidden in the mist beyond.

That is all I know; but I think that in the far far off somewhere, where the moon is shining, he and she still dance along a corn-field, he in his red jacket, and she with the wild flowers dropping from her hair.

In The Moonlight - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Under the moonlight, Rohan learns that true happiness comes from appreciating nature and the caring people around him.

In The Moonlight - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Always look for the silver lining and find happiness, even in situations that seem challenging or scary.

In The Moonlight - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

Friendship can help overcome fear and bring comfort even in the most challenging situations.

3 Fun Facts

  • The story features a wise old owl who loves to keep the forest peaceful and helps other animals with its knowledge.
  • A mischievous squirrel learns the importance of kindness and friendship through its moonlit adventure in the forest.
  • The glow of the full moon plays a magical role in bringing the animals of the forest together for a night of fun and laughter.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What did Maya and Aryan discover about the cat when they saw it in the moonlight?
  • Why were Maya and Aryan feeling scared when they first saw the cat?
  • What did the cat do that made Maya and Aryan laugh and feel happy?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What did Charlie and his friend discover when they went exploring in the forest at night?
  • How did the creatures respond when they saw Charlie and his friend?
  • What lesson did Charlie learn from his nighttime adventure in the forest?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • Why did Emily decide to take a walk in the moonlit garden, despite it being late at night?
  • How did Emily's perspective change after she encountered the talking owl in the garden?
  • What lesson did Emily learn from her moonlit adventure that she planned to implement in her daily life?

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