Story Contest 2016 #2 - Outstanding Stories » Shaken Pillars

“Shaken Pillars” is one of the outstanding stories of the second biannual Short Story Contest 2016 written by Manpreet Kour Kang, India.
Shaken Pillars
A child’s cry out for love, support, & care!
Summer was an average looking girl from a middle class family who performed average in academics too. However, she was a quick learner, hardworking and an energetic, with many dreams in her sparkling eyes.
Despite her strong efforts, she failed everytime because her destiny was playing a weak role in her life.
To add to her hardships, her family did not support her at all. Her father was a retired army person with a calm nature, but he had a habbit of drinking which made his authority to slip into his wife's hand. Summer’s mother was an arrogant, stubborn, and orthodox lady who made Summer and her family members suffer. Quarrels, fights, and blame games were daily chores of the house. In this negative environment, no one understood the feelings and potential of Summer.
And this ignorance threw her into the darkness.She only needed love and support from her family, more than anything else. In school, she found herself lost, and was leading a life without direction. And this changed her potential and energy into frustration and depression.
Days passed by bringing no changes in her destiny. Consistent failures and pathetic family situation pushed her into the outer world, which was full of danger and risks, but destiny left no option for her to choose.
In this new world full of mirages and fakeness, she received uncountable rejections, betrayals, and harsh treatments, hence again leaving her shattered and broken. If your family is not with you, how can we expect any stranger to be by our side?
However, this continous hard life of Summer was unknowingly bringing her close to God. Now she started to find some happiness in prayers to God.
One day, she happened to meet a strange woman with extraordinary attraction and positive energy. She was a very educated and dignified woman. Summer met her daily, and felt that her unsolved questions were being solved. This lady listened to her politely, understood her feelings, and helped her to get out of her pain. She was the first person of her life who actually spotted the hidden talent and passion in Summer. For Summer, she proved the Mother figure. Then onwards she started to get back her lost confidence, and gradually found her real worth. Finally, she found a pillar in her life.
One day, Summer was lying down on her bed and thinking; she never wanted any expensive gift from her family. She only needed her mother and her family to understand her and support her.
So understand your children and direct them carefully, and prepare them for a better life ahead. Otherwise, your kids will struggle deep within their souls to prove their worth. You are the pillars of your children’s life. Do not let the pillars be shaken.
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