Story Contest 2016 #2 - Outstanding Stories » Rishitha's Wish

“Rishitha's Wish” is one of the outstanding stories of the second biannual Short Story Contest 2016 written by P. Mouna, Telangana, India.
Rishitha's Wish
When I was in class 4, I had a good friend. Her name was Rishitha. Rishitha and Ravi were twins. Rishitha loved going to school. She sat in the back of Ravi's bicycle and clutched both their bags. At school, she liked learning new things, and was good at maths.
One day, Rishitha’s father said, "From tomorrow onwards, I don't want to send you to school. You have to stay at home." "Why, Father?" she asked. "I am good in my studies."
"Don't argue with me," her father said.
The next day, Rishitha did not come to school. When I asked Ravi, I came to know what the matter was.
In the evening, I went to Rishitha’s house. I felt very bad to see her sad.
When her father came home that night, I spoke to him. "You want only your son to go to school. If you think that a girl child should only learn to do household work, then you are wrong. In today's generation, both girls and boys are equal. It is equally important for both girls and boys to be educated because it will help them to grow up into responsible adults with good thoughts and good ideas. Also, if Rishitha stops going to school, her children will feel bad that she can't help them with their homework and tests."
Rishitha's father listened carefully to what I said. He asked his wife, "Do you think Rishitha should go to school?"
"Of course," Rishitha’s mother said. “I wish my father had sent me to school.”
“I never knew you wanted to read,” her father said to his wife. “I will teach you to read and write.”
Then he turned to Rishitha and said, "Rishitha, from tomorrow onwards, you can go to school. Be sure to study well.”
Rishitha was so happy that she hugged her father. I too felt very happy that her father allowed her to go to school.
Right from their birth, girls and boys are brought up according to many discriminatory ideas. The birth of a boy is welcomed and celebrated, but the birth of a girl is considered a burden to the family.
In recent times, the proportion of girls compared to that of boys has decreased due to female foeticide, a social practice according to which girl children are killed before they are born. This also means that technological advancement gives people the choice of giving birth to only male children.
Gender discrimination should be stopped and everyone should be treated equally, as TODAY'S CHILDREN ARE TOMORROW'S CITIZENS.
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