Story Contest 2016 #2 - Outstanding Stories » The Messenger of Peace and Love “Shantidoot Mashkalli”

"The Messenger of Peace and Love - Shantidoot Mashkalli” is one of the outstanding stories of the second biannual Short Story Contest 2016 written by Aishvarya Dinesh Choumal, India.
The Messenger of Peace and Love “Shantidoot Mashkalli”
In Ayodhya, there was a beautiful white pigeon. A very special kind. That beautiful white pigeon could fly high in the blue sky up from one tree to another tree, from one rooftop to another. Her wings made sounds like Phad... Phad… Phad... and she never seemed to mind because she had faith in her own capacities gifted by God… on her powerful wings!
The pigeon lived in her nest made on Noore Allah Masjid, made with straws & threads collected from St. Mary’s Church near the Gurudwara.
The pigeon flew from Noore Allah Masjid to Ram Mandir, and then she flew right back again. Birds have no religions, then why we humans?
One sad day, when the pigeon flew out, it started to rain. Although she flew with all her might, she couldn’t get home again. She beat her wings against the rain, but they got wet and slowly some feathers drooped from her wings, and shewas injured due to this.
The pigeon tried her best to fly. But she knew that she was “pooped.”
A kind 7-year-old girl, Krishna, was watching that troubled pigeon. Krishna was enjoying a bath in the rain that time.
Krishna saw the poor pigeon fall into her garden. Krishna felt that in that situation her duty was quite simple. She took that tiny frail bird and kept her warm and dry. She gave her water so she could drink, some food to eat and told her, “Not to cry... you will be o.k. soon Mashkalli!”
Krishna named the pigeon “Mashkalli” because of Mashkalli’s beautiful white colour and eyes like diamonds. Krishna told Mashkalli, “You look like a “Shantidoot… Messenger of Peace & love!”
Krishna cared for Mashkalli for fifteen days, until Mashkalli became quite strong. Krishna took Mashkalli everywhere she went, to school, to work, and to play. They grew very close during this period.
One day Krishna watched Mashkalli fearfully. Krishna knew Mashkalli wouldn’t be there long.
“Please, mummy, may I keep this bird Mashkalli? Now Mashkalli loves me and I love her. We are friends; I just can’t let him go.” Krishna’s voice was sad and low when she requested her mother.
Krishna’s mother spoke softly and gently. She knew just what to say, “Look Krishna! Mashkalli’s home is somewhere else. Mashkalli’ must soon fly away... our garden has been a resting place for her, just like a small hotel or hospital. Krishna, it is nice of you that you took care of your bird friend Mashkalli. In her troubled time. However, this does not mean that you can keep her in any cage. If you really love someone, let us free them! If they love you, and deserve you, they will certainly come back to you someday…!”
Yes, what Krishna’s mother said was very true. It happened the next day. Mashkalli circled overhead, and then she flew away, as Krishna watched.
Krishna felt a little sad for a few days because she was missing Mashkalli a lot. However, Krishna had full faith in her mother’s words. “If you really love someone you have to free them. If they love you, and deserve you, they will certainly comeback to you someday…!”
Now Mashkalli was rather home again. She was feeling very happy. Mashkalli again started to flew from Noore Allah Masjid to Ram Mandir.
Now, “The Messenger of Peace & love: Shantidoot Mashkalli” takes a little longer flight. Mashkalli always stops at Krishna’s garden to tell her friend hello, pay thanks, and play with her every morning.
If this, an uneducated bird can pay thanks to her helper, why not we, so called educated humans…?”
In the rising sun’s light of hope, little Krishna was thinking this, and Shantidoot Mashkalli was eating food from Krishna’s little, soft palm, sitting on her hand. Krishna’s mother was watching that special friendship of an innocent human and an innocent bird. She smiled.
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