Story Contest 2017 #1 - Outstanding Stories » The Light in a Darkness

The Light in a Darkness Story

“The Light in a Darkness” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2017 written by Khushhi Ritesh Daftary, India.

The Light in a Darkness

“Wake up! Riya, Wake up”! It was her mother. Riya brushed her teeth, bathed, had her breakfast and rushed to go to school.

"Wait! Riya, don't be in a hurry, Mica and Lara will accompany you to school”, said mother".

"Uffff... Again these two silly bodyguards will march-past with me. This is so embarrassing, today again my friends will mock me. Shikha will say, ‘Here comes the princess with two soldiers on her left and right’”.

As usual, her day also turned out sad. She was parched and famished but still she spent her day drinking and eating nothing. She was sad because she couldn’t go out of her house without the silly bodyguards. This way she was deprived of fresh air and sunlight, her smile disappeared from her face and she felt ill.

One day, her aunt came to meet her. She understood that this is all because she was compelled to stay indoors. She tried her best to convince Riya's parents to give her freedom to go out and play but in vain, they were rigid and stuck to their decision. Her health was deteriorating day by day. Parents have given up all hope. But her aunt kept trying all possible ways to make Riya cheerful. One day, she brought a pot of plant from the garden and kept in a dark place of the room, where sunlight wouldn’t reach. She watered the plant daily. Riya's parents were surprised and asked her

"Why did you keep the plant in the dark, it requires sunlight to grow properly".

Riya’s aunt gave a smile and said "I'm watering the plant daily and keeping it safe from outer dust and birds. So, why will it not grow properly?"

After a few days, the plant grew but it wasn't a healthy plant.

The aunt called Riya’s parents and showed them the plant, "You have given your child extra protection, care and have secured her inside your home. In spite of your extra care, she hasn't blossomed, just like this plant here. Her wardrobes are stuffed with branded clothes and toys, then why there is no charm on her face? This is because she wants to live her life outside the house, among her friends and in fresh air”

The parents realized their mistake. From that day Riya started to go out and play with her friends. They even sent away Mica and Lara. Riya was very happy. Without any medicine, she was cured of her gloominess. Her life was filled with bright and beautiful colours.

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