Story Contest 2017 #2 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) » The First Day of School

The First Day of School

“The First Day of School” is one of the outstanding stories of the second biannual International Short Story Contest 2017 written by Maira Hammad, Canada.

The First Day of School

My name is Alina and I love almost everything about school. It was my first day of school after summer vacation. My teacher was Dr. Dan. He was a very nice person. In class, we were learning about how to stop bullying.

It was recess time and I was alone. Serena and Sara started bullying me about my performance in arts class. It was not a big deal for me so I decided to ignore them.

Next day, they started calling me with names I did not like. When it was lunch time, Serena and Sara found me alone and started asking me my snack and I said no. I was really hungry and only had a juice box and a sandwich, so I had to say no. They wouldn’t leave me alone so I yelled “Leave me alone!” They didn’t listen to me, so I decided to tell Mr. Dan what happened. He talked to Serena and Sara. They said sorry to me in front of him. But that didn’t help and I knew something was fishy.

At recess, something strange happened. I was sitting on a bench when Serena and Sara started throwing stones at me for no reason. Luckily, Mr. Dan happened to pass by and saw everything. Serena and Sara almost got expelled. They were suspended for a week. After their suspension ended, they stopped talking to me but they spread rumors about me that I wasn’t right. I was mad at them but I didn’t say a single word.

I figured out that I should give them a chance as everybody deserves a chance. So I asked them if they wanted to be my friend and guess what, they said “Yes”. They told me that they were bullying me to push me to be there friend. It wasn’t the best way to make a new friend. I finally was able to make some friends and I had an amazing school year with Serena and Sara. So never bully anybody. Always be respectful to others, even to people who behave badly to you. May be, one day they realize your good intentions and will become a friend.

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