Story Contest 2017 #2 - Outstanding Stories (Junior) »

Thorns In Dreams

“Thorns In Dreams” is one of the outstanding stories of the second biannual International Short Story Contest 2017 written by Aiza Iqbal, Pakistan International School Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia.

Thorns In Dreams

The clock had struck 10 and I was relishing watching a horror movie while stuffing popcorns in my mouth. Abruptly, my mom cropped up and compelled me to switch off the TV and to go straight off to my bed.

"I'll doze forthwith after watching this flick, please let me watch it, pretty please." I implored. "No, school is foremost significant. It's already 10 pm and if you will slumber even more late, you won't be able to knuckle down in the school tomorrow". She finished. My mother's words were final and listening to her irritating behest, I stomped up to my room and tucked up into my snugly bed. One hour elapsed by, but due to summer vacations running on for two months, my sleep pattern was seriously screwed up. Promptly, an idea flashed in my mind. I lurked to the kitchen and brought some popcorns. Afterwards, I began watching the movie on my iPad with door closed.

When the movie embraced its end, I felt drowsy and curled up in my quilt and soon drifted off.

After sometime, the alarm clock reverberated giving my ears a staggering shock and I at once pounced out of my bed. As I roused from my slumber, I caught a glimpse of outside my window. A thick ribbon of lightening flashed quickly followed by a thunderclap. Moreover, the wind was howling and whirling wildly. The trees were stooped and spun the darkness. The sky was threatening a terrible storm as it grew increasingly dark with clouds flushed ever deepening purple. Unanticipatedly, a ghastly storm aroused. The storm was so intense that a horse could barely make headway through the roaring gale. This whole situation dragged me in the depth of trepidation.

Petrified, I got out and advanced towards my parents room but found it deserted. A streak of blood was oozing down their beds. Panic stricken, I retired to my brother's room but there was no sign of him. I searched everywhere but all in vain. Fatigued and overcame by curiosity that where they all could have been gone, ventured upstairs and contacted my mother but she was not attending.

Unexpectedly, I heard a scuttling like light footsteps. I thought that I must be hearing things. But something proved me wrong, this time, my ears caught a faint raspy voice. Scared and terrorized, I mustered up my valor and glanced behind. I gasped in horror at the sight of a scary girl whose image had been etched in my mind till now.

Her scabrous skin was caked with blood and she had red brutal eyes. Blood was dribbling from her nails and a wicked smile was crafted on her face. "Who....... who are you?" I stammered. She kept hushed and after a short while, she began proceeding towards me with a knife in her hand, daubed in blood with the intention to stab me.

I tried to flee but I was paralyzed by terror. It was like my feet had left my side.

A shudder of terror raced down my spine as I saw her only two steps away from me. I could screech at the top of my breath but was too scared to do that. Finally, a dreadful shriek escaped my lips and I woke up. On hearing my scream, my mother rushed to my room. "What happened dear? You must have experienced a nightmare" she reported. My heart was crumpled and tears were streaming down my cheeks. I wiped my tears and apprised her about my nightmare. I also informed her about watching the movie behind her back. She said "That's the reason behind your nightmare. You had a nightmare because you watched a horror movie before napping and disobeyed me."

An apology was instantly delivered from my mouth and she forgave me.

Once the realization dawned, I stopped watching horror movies before sleeping and disobeying my mother.

Although the nightmare had reached to the end of the road, but the memory of the frightening nightmare had laid its icy hands upon my heart and touched the scar of great horror.

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