Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Senior) »

Big Dreamer

“Big Dreamer” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Garima Dua, Maharishi Markandeshwar International School, Sadopur, India.

Big Dreamer

Once their lived an orphan girl named Pragati in an orphanage. Life was very cruel to her. She had no one to share her feelings and was always demotivated by her companions. Her parents left her so early even when she was not manure enough. But that little girl had thousands of ambitions in her life. Though, it was not easy enough to fulfill her ambitions, she never loosed hope. She had confidence in herself which supported her in all the difficult times. She desired of becoming a Miss Universe but her fortune was never in her favor. She expressed her desire of becoming Miss Universe to one of her senior Nanny. That nanny was very sincere and helpful too. So, she made some arrangements for Pragati to visit her dreamland (MUMBAI).

The girl who never went out of her orphanage found Mumbai to be very unique. She gave many photo shoots which proved to be of no use. But she didn’t loosed hope and gave her best. Finally she was offered a movie which she accepted but as her fortune was never in favor of her, the movie didn’t do well at the box office. This time she broke down and decided to go back to her hometown. But suddenly she remembered the words of her nanny who had full faith in her and does not wanted her to bend down in front of her life instead she should fight for herself and finally she gave it back to her life.

She was finally crowned the Miss Universe in the year 2020. She competed with over 200 beautiful girls from around the world. The magic that changed her life was when she met with a very renowned photographer who did her photo shoot and got featured in a well known American Magazine. After that she seemed to be in no mood to see back her life and went so high in her professional life that she got completely changed in her appearance. But she never forgot that nanny who helped her during her childhood. So, after winning the title of Miss Universe she went to the orphanage in which she lived in. She had a great fanfare at the airport but as she was very curious to meet her nanny she hurriedly went herself in the car.

She had a great fanfare at the orphanage too. Soon after she reached there, she asked them about the nanny but no one replied everyone became silent. On repeatedly asking they told her that she died of a heart attack. She again broke down and cried a lot. The orphanage communities gave her a letter that the nanny wrote for her but Pragati was so upset that she was unable to read it. But she got the letter framed and made it sure it would always be visible to her whenever she entered her room. The later years saw her adding more feathers to her cap. Her wax statue was unveiled at Paris which added more stardom to her personality. She became an iconic legend and also bagged a number of awards for her hardwork in her profession. Her movies started entering the 1 billion clubs. Moreover, her 20 films got nominated for the Oscars out of whom she bagged 14 Oscars. Finally she decided to get marry. She got married to one of the famous stars of Hollywood. Then she gave birth to a baby girl whose name she kept “Jennifer” as it was that nanny’s name that played a crucial role in her life.

Finally, after 5 years she went to India and then to that Orphanage. On Nanny’s 75th birth anniversary she gave 75% of her salary as funds for the orphanage children and also for the reconstruction of the orphanage. After doing these inspirational works she went to the world’s most talked about show “The Erie’s Show”. Over there she talked about her personal as well as her professional life. To everyone’s shock, she disclosed one of her secrets that she was blind and could not see from one of her eye. Though she did not gave a description about it. Later, when asked about it from her husband he replied that he knew it but did not disclose her secret. Later, when media asked about this then Pragati replied that she does not want her blindness of one eye to act as a barrier for her carrier. Now, the entire world got to know that why sometimes Pragati used to keep a stick with her.

Moral: Let your problem does not act as a barrier in your success.

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