Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) »

Captain Green and Evil Forces

“Captain Green and Evil Forces” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Viraaj Bharadwaj, Kothari International School, Noida, India.

Captain Green and Evil Forces

Once upon a time, far away from earth, there was a planet called the Greenland. In the Greenland everyone used to wear clothes made of plants. One day there was a monster who wanted to attack the planet. He succeeded in his mission and the planet was getting destroyed. So all the people sent their children to earth by the stretchy tree. One of the children had superpowers. When he grew up, he used his powers to save the nature. One day there was a monster called the Garbagsaurous. He used to spit garbage out from his mouth. The boy attacked him with water beam. The monster became weak and he got captured in a glass cage. Then he put some soil and water in the glass cage and also put some kidney beans in it. The monster was got defeated and the hero was named as Captain Green.

The next day was another good day for the city. Captain Green was just flying through …When he heard a sound clash! Another enemy for Captain Green called Pulluterbot. He used to breathe pollution and fire. Captain Green just punched him hard. But Bot attacked Captain Green with smoke scream and fire. Then, Captain attacked him back with water beam. The fire was cooling down. Then suddenly the Bot punched him. Captain Green became angry.

Captain Green took energy from the sun and attacked with solar beam. The Bot was damaged. Then Captain Green attacked with Leaf storm. The Bot was defeated but there was still a problem. The Bot had a bomb in it and only one minute was left. Captain Green flew towards space. He threw the Bot in space. There was big blast in the space. Once again Captain Green saved the city and he became a legend.

Moral– Stop deforestation, Start afforestation. Stop polluting and throwing garbage on streets and in the water. Captain Green would not come to save you every time.

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