Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Junior) »

Gutsy Hypy

“Gutsy Hypy” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Haney Binte Mohd Sallehuddin, Artistic Strategies Academy, Singapore.

Gutsy Hypy

Hypy is a wonderful mother of two twin children, Hayden and Annie. When Hayden or Annie makes a mistake, she will not scold them. She will just remind them not to do it again. She is not just kind to her children but also to the people around her. She knows the time when her neighbours would come back from grocery shopping and she will dash and help them carry their bags.

Hypy has a superpower but everyone, except her family and best friends, think that she is a regular human being. She chooses to keep her identity a secret to protect herself from the villains. She acquired her superpower while she was hiking with her friends one day. She saw a crystal ball in a dark cave and touched it and got an electric shock. A few days later, she discovered that she could hypnotise evil villains and make them good.

One of the villains that Hypy had fought before came from the planet, Sightrack. Sightrack was formerly known as Jupiter but was renamed Sightrack after it was blown up. There were about 200 villains on Sightrack. They planned to blow up Earth and kill all the good people on it, as the superheroes from Earth had blown up Jupiter in 1999. The leader of the pack of villains was called Dungeon because he stayed in dark and dirty places like a cockroach. One of Hypy’s superheroes, named Alicia, told her over the phone about their sinister plan. “Do you know Dungeon and his minions are going to blow up Earth?” Alicia said. “Are you serious?” Hypy commented. “I’m serious,” replied Alicia. Five minutes later, Hypy used her spaceship with multiple colours to go to Sightrack. She took ten minutes to reach the planet and used a GPS to find Dungeon’s office.

Hypy blasted a siren to alarm the villains and they realised that she was coming towards them. Their hearts skipped a beat and they started running around the place crazily. Dungeon tried calming them down but was unsuccessful. “Guess you are the only one here now and I can defeat you easily!” said Hypy confidently.

Fortunately for Dungeon, he had another plan. Years ago, he had buried a group of robots, under his office. He opened up the hard metal floor with a tiny remote control and the robots started marching up and began attacking Hypy. They tried to capture Hypy as Dungeon had programmed them to do it. Hypy tried hypnotising them but was not successful.

Suddenly, she came up with a brilliant strategy to spill some oil on the floor. She saw a tank of oil underground and she spilled it generously on the floor. Oil splattered everywhere and the robots slipped and fell. They bumped their heads on the floor and became dizzy. After falling, the robots lost their memory and Hypy was able to hypnotise them, making them think that they were actually good.

Dungeon took out a hair dryer from his pocket and pointed it at her. “You are not going anywhere!” Dungeon said. Hypy kicked the hair dryer off his hand and Dungeon screamed as loudly as he could, as his plan had failed. He shrunk to the size of a microorganism and soon, he disappeared into nothingness.

After this disastrous battle, Hypy went back to Earth and decided to form her own superhero squad in case there were more villains out there. Hayden and Annie were ecstatic that their mother triumphed over Dungeon without getting any bruises.

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