Highly Commended Short Stories from Story Contest 2018 #1 - Junior

Sub-junior Category Junior Category Senior Category
Highly Commended – Junior Category

Name: Aaron Arnav Diwakar
Age: 11 years
School: Global Indian International School, Queenstown
Country: Singapore
Story Title: Appearance
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Aaron Arnav Diwakar studies in Global Indian International School, Queenstown. He is a kind and helpful boy. He enjoys playing table tennis, cricket and chess. His ambition is to become a doctor, take care of sick with utmost care and spread positivity around the world.

Name: Aditeya Goyal
Age: 10 years
School: Delhi Public School, Sector – 40-C, Chandigarh
Country: India
Story Title: Gingerbread Baby Finds A Home
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Aditeya is an intelligent boy with all-rounder personality. He loves to dance, sing and play keyboard. He is a genius in abacus and is a karate kid too. He loves to read and write his own stories and is always ready to help others. He aspires to become an automobile engineer and settle in Germany.

Name: Aniruddha Aloke
Age: 12 years
School: Home-schooling
Country: India
Story Title: Sheru - My Friend
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Name: Aoibhín Ó Sioradáin
Age: 10 years
School: Scoil Lorcáin, Blackrock, Co, Dublin
Country: Ireland
Story Title: Buster
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Name: Bosnea Britney-Rafaela-Cristiana
Age: 12 years
School: Palatul Copiilor Focsani
Country: Romania
Story Title: More Than A Trip
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Britney Bosnea is a 13 years old student lives in Focsani, Romania. She learns at “PalatulCopiior”. Her favourite colour is red. She really likes reading, travelling, going for outdoor walks and spending time with her friends. Her favourite type of books is Science-Fiction. She wants to become a plastic surgeon, so she really study hard.

Name: Bronwyn Lindsay
Age: 11 years
School: Westmount Public School, Kitchener, Ontario
Country: Canada
Story Title: When The Time Is Right
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Bronwyn Lindsay is 12-years old. She lives with her parents in Ontario, Canada. Some of her favourite past-times include reading, writing, singing, swimming, and spending time with friends and family. Bronwyn gets inspiration from her father who also loves to write. This is her first short story, hopefully the first of many.

Name: Chang Wen Wei
Age: 11 years
Country: Malaysia
Story Title: Reflection
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Name: Danhao Ha
Age: 11 years
School: Canadian Academy
Country: Japan
Story Title: Plunging to my DOOM!
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Name: Ella Sibelius
Age: 12 years
School: Anton Bruckner International School
Country: Austria
Story Title: The Lights
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Ella Pearl Sibelius was born in Chicago almost 13 years ago. She got adopted when she was just 5 days old. She still talks to her biological mom but her dad just dropped out of the line right after she was born. Something awesome about her family though is that she has two dads and two lovely little brothers.
"The short story is that I came to Austria with my daddies and we’ve lived here pretty much my whole life. I started going to school at the Anton Bruckner International School and I have been there except of two years of my life."
Though she enjoys creating different types of arts, she likes music most. She can play piano and a bit of drums. She is also interested in various sports like karate, dancing, running and biking. See also loves spending time with her friends, family and her beautiful girlfriend.

Name: Eva Yeoh Li Ann
Age: 10 years
School: Sri KDU Primary School
Country: Malaysia
Story Title: Emilia Harley
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Eva is 11 years old, studying in Sri Kdu Primary School in Malaysia. She has many hobbies that include writing and reading stories, drawing funny comics, painting, music, cycling and rock climbing. Her ambition is to become a singer and an author. As a singer she wants to create inspirational lyrics with catchy music for the world to listen. Besides that, she wants to write interesting stories that open new doors in young minds to the magical world of imagination.

Name: Imani Murray
Age: 12 years
School: Franklin Middle School
Country: USA
Story Title: Get Back Up Again
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Name: Jinwoo Son
Age: 12 years
School: Canadian Academy
Country: Japan
Story Title: The Castle Shake
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Jinwoo is a 12-years-old attending Canadian Academy in Japan. He likes to write and read adventure and mystery stories. His favorite subject at school is maths.

Name: John Rastioh
Age: 11 years
School: Dr. R.E. McKechnie Elementary
Country: Canada
Story Title: Time Traveler's Diary
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Name: Lena Mona Rotzer
Age: 11 years
School: Private School, gd-schule Bratsch
Country: Switzerland
Story Title: A Desire for Freedom…
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Name: Marcel Goulding
Age: 12 years
School: The Farm School, Summertown, Tennessee
Country: USA
Story Title: Finding Yourself
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Marcel Goulding is homeschooling (6th grade) in rural west Tennessee, USA. His hobbies include cartooning, storytelling, slacklining, daredevil riding on various gravity- and human-powered wheeled vehicles, football (soccer), martial arts, swimming, rifle shooting, and playing the electric fiddle. He likes to play with his younger brother. He takes care of two dogs and a hamster. He wants to become a veterinarian as well as a writer.

Name: Tay Jia Jun
Age: 11 years
School: Sri KDU Primary School
Country: Malaysia
Story Title: The ox, tiger, dog and dragon
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Tay Jia Jun is studying in Sri KDU Primary School, Malaysia. He is a voracious reader who enjoys reading all kinds of literature. He aspires to be a teacher when he grows up. He believes it to be a noble profession as he wishes to impart knowledge in a fun way. His story was inspired by his readings on the Chinese Zodiac.

Name: Varchasva Sharma
Age: 12 years
School: Pathways, Baliawas, Gurgaon
Country: India
Story Title: The Late Night Scare
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Varchasva Sharma is 12 years old and lives in Gurgaon, the millennium city of India. He is studying in grade 7 of Pathways School Gurgaon, one of the best IB schools of India. He loves to run marathons and play basketball. His favourite basketball player is Stephen Curry. When he grows up, he wants to play for NBA, Golden State Warriors. He believes that success does not lie in results but in efforts and being the best is not so important.
Sub-junior Category Junior Category Senior Category
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