Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Junior) »

Life of an Abandoned

“Life of an Abandoned” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Sarah Marie Grech.

Life of an Abandoned

Chapter 1-The Town Life

It all started in the town of Manchester in England where a young woman gave birth to a baby boy. The boy was called Jack. The day after she gave birth she escaped from hospital in the middle of the night. Unfortunately the baby boy was given up for adoption and a young woman from the town adopted him. She raised him as a beloved mother would raise her child but as time went by she married a wealthy young man and had a baby boy of her own. After a month or two she started giving more attention to the baby and not even looking at Jack. When a year passed Jack’s adoptive mother continued ignoring him. As days went by, the child continued asking why his mother was ignoring him. By the time Jack was 18 years old he decided to go on his own. When his adoptive mother heard about his decision, she had a sigh of relief. This made him feel very jealous and angry of his brother.

Chapter 2 – Turning over a New Leaf

Immediately, after he left his mother, he started looking for a job so he could earn money to start studying to become a doctor. It took quite a while, until he found a job as a shopkeeper of a furniture shop. After a small period of time all the shop’s customers started loving him because he was generous, kind and helpful. While he worked, he studied to become a doctor. As years passed, he managed to make his dream a reality. This was a great honour and achievement for him. On the other hand he felt miserable that he had to leave the job as a shopkeeper and all of the customers. In a week’s time he was in Denmark where he worked as a doctor in the city of Copenhagen at a public clinic. There he was having such a great time with many people of the city. He loved all his patients especially the poor and young children. He was loved by all!

Chapter 3- The Searching Night

It was a sunny morning when Jack had a nagging thought. Many people who came that day noticed that he was not feeling well. Jack kept thinking how he could find his biological mother. At last, he decided to try to find his mother. There was one thing that really confused him maybe his mum did not want to meet him, but finally he decided to find her. Quickly he took a flight to Manchester and there he started searching about nurses who worked in the year when he was born. He found the name Martha Harbour. Immediately he started looking for her and luckily he found her. Without hesitation, he went to her house and there he saw an old woman wearing a dirty apron and a ragged dress.

Chapter 4-A Happy Ending

As the old woman saw Jack she wondered what he wanted. Jack told her his story and asked about his mother. With tears in her eyes she told him how she helped his mother to escape because she was in danger of being killed by her father. She told him that now she was living in London tending her sick parents. Without hesitation he thanked the old woman and hurried to the address she gave him. There he found a middle aged woman who resided in a small cottage. When she saw him he resembled a person she once loved very dearly and who died during the war while she was pregnant. He introduced himself and told her his story and why he was standing in front of her at that moment. His mum was shocked and at the same time over the moon to see the baby boy she once had left without any hope of seeing him once more.

From then on they lived together as a mother and son would live together with his newly discovered grandparents as a happy united family.

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