Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) »

Max, the Boy & Hyena

“Max, the Boy & Hyena” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Eshan Ahmed, JSS International School, Dubai, UAE.

Max, the Boy & Hyena

Once up on a time there was a boy named Max. He was very cute and intelligent. He lived with his family very happily. He had cute little sister called Lesha. They both were very much affection with each other. One day both of them was playing in the yard which was back side of their house, it was very big.

There was a forest near by the town, they both wanted to go and play there but they knew their parents would not allow them to go so they planned to go without knowing their parents.

There was a hyena living in the forest which was very cruel and always troubling other animals. It was very big and it looks very horrible, all other animals are afraid of hyena and they want that hyena should go out of the forest.

The children went to forest and very excited to see the birds, elephants, deers, monkeys, rabbits and more. Animals were also very happy to see the children and they all started enjoying and playing happily. It was very fun to see them playing. Monkey climbed the tree and gave some fruits to the kids and elephants played ball with them.

There was a Hyena which was sleeping inside the cave and suddenly woke up, it heard the voices of animals and kids, and wondered what was happening in the forest. It was very angry about the disturbance while sleeping. It came out with anger and wanted to eat all of them. All animals stopped suddenly when they saw Hyena. So, they hid one by one behind the trees.

The two kids were standing lonely in front of Hyena. It was very happy to see the kids and thought today I’m going to have a wonderful feast, mmmmmm yummy thinking very happily, it is laughing HaHaHa I’m going to eat both of you...the little girl was crying and hugged her brother. But Max was looking fearless he was thinking that he can able to handle this Hyena and also all the animals also ready to fight with Hyena for the kids.

Max looked around to see whether anything available to protect him and his sister. He found an axe on the ground nearby. He ran towards the axe at the same time Hyena saw the boy running and wanted to attack, so tried to chase him. Max managed to take the axe before Hyena reached him and he fearlessly attacked the cruel animal and killed him. All the other animals were happy and started celebrating.

After a long time, they left their friends and went home his mother and father was worried about their kids they both running towards their parents hugging and kissing them with love and affection and lived happily.

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