Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Junior) »

Nick Never Gives Up

“Nick Never Gives Up” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Callysta Hardisanto, Sekolah Citra Berkat, Indonesia.

Nick Never Gives Up

“Nick wakes up or you are late for your first time school in here!”said Nick’s mom from outside. Nick and his family just moved to America, actually he came from Korea.”Yes, mom I am awake, but I was taking a shower”said Nick. After taking a shower he have breakfast and went to space school.

“Nick, your school bus is coming” said Nick’s mom “yes, mom” said Nick. Then he boards the school bus. “Who are you?” asked Joan ”I enter this school, and my name is Nick” said Nick. “Where do you come from?” asked Elisabeth.”I come from Korea”said Nick. “Hey, can you be the American language from where and can you follow the 4th grade lesson in America?” asked Jack. “Most able to follow class 1st lesson course!”said Joan and they laughed together. Nick can not reply to their words.

Soon he gets to school, after class he introduced himself in front of the class.”Hello my name is Nick!” said Nick. “I already know teacher!” said Jack and Joan. ”Nick please sit next to Elisabeth”said teacher.”And now students please open book!”said teacher.

Kring,,,kring,,, “please students now time to rest” said teacher. ”What’s wrong Nick?”asked Elisabeth. “Nothing” said Nick.Rest in his heart he said the truth that in spoken by Jack and Joan because in pactice about it gets 0 points.He also ete, after eating he played.

“How do you can speak American?” asked Shily. “I can speak American because my dad is working in American. I was born in Korea so i live in Korea. After that my mom did not work again, so I moved to America”said Nick.” So, before you are moving, if you take off at your school that you used to go America?” asked Yoan. “Yes” said Nick.

Kring,,,,,,kring,,,,,, “let’s go in” said Elisabeth. “Everyone please go home” said the teacher, after all students went to the school bus.”Hahaha.. pactice can only score 10” said Jack. After that all students went home and Nick did not tell it all to his parents for fear of Joan and Jack because they are good at fight.

Was 1 month is gone Nick live in America eventhough at school he was often ridiculs which makes him inferior, but Nick never gave up he continued to study until finally the beginning of exam, which starts today, and the school bus came Nick as usual to ride and be quit after Nick went to class and sat in his chair then the test began.

”Time is up” said teacher, everyone collected test paper, then the teacher checked everyone test paper and read it.”Nick 67, Joan 66, Jack 68, Yoan 99, Shily 99, Soan 92, Tittha 90, Kraty 91, Elisabeth 100, Elly 100, Truy 90.5, Sazzy 98, Defy 96, Katty 100” said teacher.

Kring,, kring,,,, after that, all students ete then they played in the field.This time for Joan and Jack did not laugh at Nick again because last month every repeation would have got a very low score, so Joan and Jack shocked to get points equivalent to Nick.After all student played was not long any bell went in and all students in class all said geeting at the teacher and boarded the scool bus and went home.

”Mom my test got 67”said Nick. “Okay good job, next time, try to score 70-100 !” said Nick’s mom. “Yes” said Nick, “already there homework” said Nick’s mom. After doing his homework, he took a shower, ete and slept. Tomorrow morning he woke up early and went to school.1 month later there was a test, he got 100 Joan and Jack got 10 because it way so hard Elisabeth got 54. Joan and Jack shocked again.

”Sorry” said Jack and Joan together. “sorry what” asked Nick.” I have taunted you” said Joan and Jack together again. “ Do not think it forget it!” said Nick. “Thank you Nick I have done evil to you but you forget” said Jack “Yes me too” said Joan,”No problem forget it!”said Nick because he admited his mistake.This time Nick became the champion of the class.

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