Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) »

Pei Pei, the Girl Who Dislikes Tuition

“Pei Pei, the Girl Who Dislikes Tuition” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Tan Yi Rou, Sri KDU Primary School, Malaysia.

Pei Pei, the Girl Who Dislikes Tuition

Pei Pei really dislikes going for all her tuition classes. She feels that tuition is very boring. Whenever Ms. June, who is her tuition teacher gives her work to do, her hand becomes tired of writing. Her little fingers will be aching. This is because Pei Pei has to do a lot of writing.

During the weekends or school holidays, Pei Pei dreads going for tuition. She wants to stay at home and play with her dolls. She would miss them so much each time when she goes for her classes. She was not even allowed towatch television because of tuition as well. Her mom insisted that Pei Pei must complete all of her homework first.

Pei Pei hated going for tuition. But, Pei Pei’s mom would enroll her into all sorts of classes. She needed to attend classes for English, Mandarin and Bahasa Melayu. Her mom even enrolled her for Art classes too. But Pei Pei doesn’t like drawing at all. She can’t even draw a proper fish. The fish looks more like a cucumber. She just doesn’t understand why her mom likes to send her to do things that Pei Pei would not like to do.

Pei Pei loves riding the bicycle. She wishes that she could ride her bicycle at the park during her free time, especially on weekend or school holidays. Pei Pei could only dream that her mom would bring her to ride her pink bicycle with her sister and little brother.

Whenever Pei Pei heads home from tuition in the evening, she usually walks past the park. She would see many children running and riding their bicycle. But she could only gaze at them playing, laughing and having a good time. How she wished that she could join them.

Pei Pei once asked, “Why do I have to go for tuition? Why can’t I play at the park like all the other children?”

Her mother smiled gently at her and told Pei Pei that she must study hard to prepare for exams. She further explained that tuition will help Pei Pei to score all A’s in her exams.

Pei Pei could only wished that one day she would be able to tell her mom that she wanted to quit all her classes. If she could, Pei Pei would want to shout out and tell her mom that she can do well without any extra classes. However, Pei Pei could only keep this little secret to herself because she loves her mom. Pei Pei reminded herself that she will listen to her mom’s advices. She does not forget that she gets a strawberry ice-cream each time after class. A reward she thoroughly enjoys and never missed once.

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