Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) »

Pop Star

“Pop Star” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Noemi Bru, El Cole de Los Pekes, Spain.

Pop Star

There was a very nice town with flowers and with a lot of colors like purple, red, orange and pink. There, was also a square with a beautiful black fountain, next to the café and opposite the park.

In a hospital, a girl was born with a smile in her face. Her mother called her Carlita because she said that it was a name for a super star like her (because she was a super star).

Years passed. Carlita became more beautiful and remained with the same attractive smile. She had a long black hair, blue eyes was very nice and had a very nice voice that sounded like an angel. Carlita said to her mother: - I want to be like you, a pop star! -What? Said the mother very cheerful, -yes like a pop star! Repeated Carlita.

- OKAY said the mother very happily. The next day Carlita’s mother phoned Sound of Kids, so Carlita could go to practice. She went one day, two days, three days, four days... and like that all the days until Carlita turned into a Pop Star. Her mother was very happy with her.

The next day Carlita’s Driver gave a lot of money to her to go on singing there.

Carlita thought :- what am I going to do now with this sack of money?. Carlita went to a very small shop, she opened the door and heard gof gof! “what?” said Carlita. It was a small and beautiful dog with a very long tail and very gluttonous, he said that cost a lot of money, but she was going to buy it. She bought a small one with colours, very nice and he bought it food. Then she went to her house singing and singing, when she arrived to her home her mother said: “Oh! It is beautiful I want one like that it, I like it a lot, there isn’t one like these but bigger?” “Yes because it is a puppy,” said Carlita, “Yan you go to buy a bigger dog?” “Yes, of course, I go right now,” said Carlita. She went to buy it in her car driving and singing at the same time. She went and bought the dog but she asked herself, can I put the dog in my car? It’s very big!!! Carlita called her driver and said: Can you come here with a bigger car? Yes, said the driver, he brought a bigger car and they went to Carlita’s home and her life right now is very funny. Carlita was rich and bought a house because she lives with her mother and she doesn’t want to. Now she is wealthy. Cartita sings in a lot of concerts.

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