Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Junior) »

The Cat in the Window

“The Cat in the Window” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Hanna Mile, Istvan Györffy Catholic Elementary School, Karcag, Hungary.

The Cat in the Window

On January 3, 1946 Blakre Ckrunge was dead. She was buried in the Crimbstone cemetery two days later. No one came to the cemetery and no one missed her. No one decided to own her house, and a possession that was a poor thing that can’t live with a ghost (and that’s what has become of Miss Ckrunge, because after all, she’s dead).

And the poor thing that hasn’t eaten for at least a week, is now suffering on the windowsill above the purple velvet covered sofa. Her nose is touching a dead plant that hasn’t been watered for a couple of years. Now she felt even lonelier than before, even though Miss Ckrunge didn’t really take care of her. The cat took a moment, then jumped off the windowsill, and rushed out the door and found a bowl of old water that Miss Ckrunge put out for the black cat three weeks ago.

The cat decided to take a walk through the yard, when she saw a mouse running past her. With the last bit of energy she jumped after the mouse, and appeased her hunger a little bit. The cat ran back to the house and scurried to the window. She curled up, and with its sad green eyes, went to sleep.

At early dawn, she went to the nearby woods because she was still hungry from last night. She found a squirrel and chased after it, but it was too fast for her. So she continued her walk. As the night started to settle, she stopped for a moment to turn around and went home. But as she stopped, a huge bulldog appeared out of the bushes. It growled at the black cat, and then started chasing after her. He chased the cat deeper into the woods then scared her to the top of a tree. The bulldog waited under the tree, and the cat went to sleep there for the night. In the morning, when she woke up, the hound has already left, so she decided to go home. Even though she went through so many bad things in her life, but she was still hoping for a good home and a new owner who actually loves her.

A couple days later, some people came to where the cat lives. They wanted to demolish the house because it was too old and now that Miss Ckrunge was dead, and she didn’t leave the house to anyone. So they started the demolishing. The man who was leading the construction had a family with two kids, a boy and a girl and a wife. And when they were almost finished with it, and they had one last little corner, and they found a very interesting discovery. They also found very interesting old objects and discoveries while the demolishing. And the most unusual was the black cat, now with messy fur and sad, hungry eyes crouching under the velvet sofa. The man takes the poor fellow to the vet to examine her. The vet says ”she’ll be okay, but she is very hungry and tired”.

So the construction worker took the cat home to his family. His kids were overjoyed to see the cat. After a couple of days she looked very pretty, had a nice shiny black coat, shimmering green eyes, and seemed very healthy. The kids even decided on a name for the black kitty. The name that they decided on was Star.

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