Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Junior) »

The Countinous Deaths

“The Countinous Deaths” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Syed Shazan Saeed Rizvi, Al Muntazir Boys Primary School, Tanzania.

The Countinous Deaths

There once lived a very old man in Toronto called Barrar and he was also very rich. He had hundreds of factories working under him but at the same time, Barrar had 6 children to handle all alone as his wife had passed away a few months back. He taught his children nice manners and habits. The names of his children were Al, Robert, Kramper, Maximam, Tony and finally he had Terrance. Even though Barrar was not at home all the time, of course, Al, the eldest usually gave out chores to be done by everyone including himself and nobody got the same job in one week.

A few months later, Barrer passed away and Al had all the factories and household responsibility but he did all his work very nicely and at the same time very smoothly as well. Well, he had a lot of burden because of his brothers and then he realized how their father had died because Al currently has the burden of 5 people while their father had the burden of 6 whole, fat people. He also realized that how greedy he and his brothers were! He gave out a loud cry and closed the factories for a week or so (Probably two). He developed depression and soon Al as well died. All the brother’s cried and buried him but soon there was a new C.I.C (Chief In CHARGE) and without any suspense, it was Robert who also like Al, did his duties well enough but he had lack of vitamin K so he had rickets and also stammered and he also opened up some sixty shops for overall profit with the lack’s that he had in his body sixty as to the shops were small.

Even though Robert had more pressure now, everything in business and family was running smooth as silk and as soft as cotton. They also had a maid called Juli who saw all the money that they had ($10, 0000) and she also thought “Why don’t I just steal it?” after she tried to ask for some of the money. Robert just quit the job and gave the job to his younger brother, Kramper, the 3rd brother. Even though it was hard for him a bit, he still managed to handle the factories with a P.A (Personal Assistant). He managed to work the business out for 21 years and the company a got a profit of $1,000. The company had a great time with Kramper and his P.A, Perty Crosdr. He died at the age of 59 because of diabetes and now since Maximam was the new M.L.A, Tony had to handle the company. Maximam got a total of 1853/1859 and he wildly won the elections. Tony also made a silk company and a farm of 2383 plants of Cassava and also did a world tour.

In the end, Maximam had 3 children; 2 boys and 1 girl. Only Maximam and Tony survived.

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