Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Junior) »

The Fireman

“The Fireman” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Memduh Ömer BERRAK, Özel İstanbul Bilim Koleji, Turkey.

The Fireman

There was a man named Jack. He was 44 years old. He was a fireman. He was a manager of New York state fire station. He worked with other 10 fireman. He achieved very hard tasks and saved the life of people and animals.

One day an alert came jacks crew. There was a wild fire and a pier near the forest. There were lots of boats and ships at the pier. It was really a hard task and nobody can succeed except Jacks’ crew. Jack and his crew got on the fire and went to the forest. They started to extinguish the fire. There were lots of animals in the forest. Some of them were died because of the fire. Some of them were died because of massive cutting of trees. As a result the number of trees in the forest were very less. They were trying to extinguish the fire reinforcements came to help and finally they achieved to extinguish the fire. Trump gave them money and permission for their achievement.

Jack went to the scout camp for holiday . There were tents and the scouts were sleeping in the tents. One evening Jack and his friends were burning firewoods and was sitting around the fire. They were playing guitar and singing songs. Later in the evening everybody went to their tents and sleep excep to Jack. He couldn’t sleep and he was reading a book. He noticed the light out of the tent and stood up and went out the tent.

He saw the fire abd he went to his car and took fire extinguisher. He ran to the fire and extinguish the fire. The other scouts woke up and came next to Jack. They said thanks to Jack He went to his home back. There was a letter in his mail box. He took the letter and opened it. He read to have to be retire in letter. One day later, . hee went to fire station and explained the situation to his friends. His friends were so sad. They decided to have a party. They invited all friends and family members of Jack. Then they said, “It was so good to work with you. We are going to miss you. It was a perfect experience to work with you.”

After being retired, Jack was getting bored because of being at home. He decided to be a candidate for mayor. 15 days later the election day came he was very excited and nervous. He was waiting for the results . He won in the election. He was very happy for working in an other job it was a different job but jack wanted to help people like his old job. He was giving food to hungry people, and home to homeless people, job to unemployed people. People loved Jack and he loved his job for helping people who needed help.

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