Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) » The Loneliest Whale

“The Loneliest Whale” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Aleena Lamba, Australia.

The Loneliest Whale

Deep down in the dark blue water lived the creatures of the sea. They all lived in harmony, just not one- The loneliest Whale! It lived away from other creatures of the sea like octopus, sharks, squids, little colorful fishes and sting rays. One day a little blue fish swam its way where the whale lived. The whale was shocked to see the little blue fish, a million questions came to her mind- like Who is this? What is she doing here? Is she here to cause trouble? What is she looking at?

Upon seeing the whale, first the little blue fish was frightened but when she saw that the whale was even more scared than she was, she became relaxed and said “ Please whale don’t be frightened, I am just a little fish, I shall cause no harm to you”. Hearing this, whale smiled and all her fears vanished. Then they talked and whale told her that she had never been in anyone’s company before. She had been alone all her life. She had no friends, no family and no relatives. Little fish felt pity on her and asked the whale to tag along. She took her to her own little world where many different creatures of the sea lived in harmony. The little blue fish introduced the whale to every member. Whale got very excited to see and meet everyone. Everyone was friendly towards the whale, which made her very happy. Then they all played games like hide and seek, which whale didn’t find good because she could not hide anywhere and was spotted very easily as she was too big. So they played other games like tip and chase and mermaid swimming. Whale was having a whale of a time!

Now it was dark and time to go home. Whale became very sad and didn’t want to go. She said to the blue fish “When I was living alone, I never realized that it would be so much fun to have others around, now that I know this, I am not ready to go back, can I please stay here for a while?” The little blue fish replied “Of course, you can stay here as long as you want. If you don’t want to go back, you don’t have to. It’s your home now. Hearing this, whale was overjoyed and said thanks to the little blue fish and everyone. Now, the loneliest whale was not lonely anymore.

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