Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) »

The Space Visit

“The Space Visit” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Laksh Hitesh Divecha, Al-Muntazir Boys Primary School, Tanzania.

The Space Visit

It all started one sunny morning. It was Neil’s birthday and his father was going to take him to his work place at the Space Flight Control, where Neil would meet the famous astronaut Captain Alan and ask for his autograph.

Upon reaching the space center, he saw workers preparing for their next take-off. Captain Alan gave Neil an autographed picture and wished him a very Happy Birthday and left towards the flight control for his next task.

Neil’s father asked him to sit and wait in a room. He saw some boxes in the room nearby and went to see what’s inside. He hid himself inside the box and the boxes were loaded in the space ship. Soon he heard a roaring sound and felt he was moving very fast. Then everything fell silent.

Neil floated out of the box. ‘Oh, Wow!’ I am in space! Just then, Captain Alan found him, and said “you shouldn’t be here”.

Suddenly the alarm rang. “There are some big rocks heading towards us, fasten your seatbelt and don’t move.” said Captain Alan, “As I have to go outside and launch the satellite.”

As soon as captain’s mission was over, his cord was hit by a big rock and broke. Neil took help from the robot in the shuttle and communicated through a microphone with Captain Alan and tried to control the shuttle. He panicked, and noticed the controls look just like the control on his games.

As soon as they reached near Captain Alan, the robot flew out, caught up with Captain Alan and shouted, ‘Let’s get out of here’!

All was under control now. Captain Alan made contact with Earth. Do you read me? We hear you just great, came the voice of Neil’s father. Congratulations on carrying out your mission! Thank you, but it wasn’t all my doing, Captain Alan replied. We know, we saw everything through the camera, said Neil’s father.

Captain Alan’s mission was a success with Neil’s help. The shuttle returned to Earth safely and Neil was very happy to have met Captain Alan and enjoyed the adventurous visit to the space.

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