Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Senior) »

The Story of the Count Dracula

“The Story of the Count Dracula” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Laijrentiu Alexandro Popa, Italy.

The Story of the Count Dracula

It was a silent evening and we were sitting around a camp fire, when my best friend Alex was knapped after we were going to search him but we weren’t found him. The next day, Alex was punished being staked, in the front of the big and beauty house, where we spent two nights but on the third night the misfortune happened … and suddenly I heard Alex’s screams, me and another two friends were run in the forest and we found his shoes and a pie of paper he wrote. “If you want your friend back you have to bring me a victim to sacrifice your friend’s replacement.” - Ok, we can’t give him a victim… but we make a beautiful plan: Mihai is the victim and me, Andrei and Cosmin go to save Alex and after that we go to get Mihai … but we were having a problem, we don’t know where is he because the Count Dracula leaves Alex alone in the forest where he put a piece of paper: “Leave here the victim and go away.”– Oh, god! I forgot Mihai has a cellphone with him, we can find from the GPS, said Cosmin. We found Mihai on the GPS but … it is in a castle and we can’t entry in the castle because the guards can block us, but... I have an ingenious plan. Every morning a truck with food for the guard goes into the castle and we will infiltrate the truck trailer on we save our friend, Mihai! – I said – It’s a very good plan, but we need some extra people because the guards are tall like a giant and they can give us away forever – said Andrei. The next day, in the morning … Andrei called extra people, - Oh we need to entry in the truck trailer I said … - Oh we are in the garden of the castle, look, this is like a real giant. – said an extra people. We descended from the trailer, in the kitchen where no one had seen us and we were talking it to the tasture room. After we got into the tasture room, we found Mihai standing tied up and was hungry. He was lucky because we brought him bread and some water, but in that dark room we didn’t find Count Dracula. We were looking for him for about ten minutes but we didn’t find him, to beat him because torturing and kidnapping a person is not good. But we didn’t look trought the whole room because after I saw some red eyes coming out of a dark corner of the room. And then the madness started Mihai and Andrei feed to the truck because he was leaving at twelve o’clock and Cosmin on the extra guys who helped us to tie him, and give him a lesson to see how it’s to be tortured. After that we went to the truck ; the truck was started, but we went near the forest and right there we decided to go down because it was close to our beautiful and warm house or the road took us cold but it does not matter I saved Mihai too.

In the next morning we all decided to go on a hike and after we went finishing to spend because we helped Alex who is our dear friend but we were decided to have a party with all, the old and new friends that we have done in these days and their beautiful experiences. After we spent the money we had to pack our bags because our extraordinary, beautiful holiday had ended but humors we heard that we could go to Count Dracula’s castle, the Count Dracula was disappearing the castle becoming the most valuable tourist destination of Brasov. So, we have decided to take our hearts and go to Dracula’s castle or called the gate of gates, that is thirty kilometers from Brasov and very close to the Bucegi mountains that are very majestic, this was a wonderful experience for me and my friends and for the count Dracula; the complete name of the Count Dracula is VladTepes.

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