Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Sub-junior) »

The Wicked Boy Who Turned Good

“The Wicked Boy Who Turned Good” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Ogundoju Psalm Similoluwa, RA International school, Bonny, Nigeria.

The Wicked Boy Who Turned Good

Once upon a time, there lived a boy called Sam. He was very wicked. He liked to steal, slap; lie, and cause trouble and like to disobey his elderly ones. His parents were good people and good to Sam, they always warned him but never listened to them. Sam had an uncle named John, who had a bad influence on him. Sam was in year 3 in school, the school complaint about him that he played too much. He moved around talking and disturbing everyone, never stayed in a place when class was going on.

Today at home, his parents are travelling so they left him with his uncle and told Sam no to go to his friends’ house. He did not listen and went, while playing, kidnapers got him and his friends, they escaped but his parents had come back, he had marks on his body due to beating from his parents. That incident made him to hate his parents more and more. At school he beat somebody’s hand and was beaten and didn’t come to school for two weeks. He missed his exam.

Ten years now Sam is a grown up, he became a thief after his parents died in a car accident. Now he is a very bad boy he is smoking, drinking and stealing. Things with him have not been well since his parents died. He joined bad gangs with whom he does is bad act. He was once arrested and produced to police station. Later, the D.P.O (Deputy Police Officer) set him free. One day, Sam went to a church and told his story to a pastor, he repented and now a good boy. He never stole thereafter. He told his story to other people.

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