Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Senior) »

The Worldwide Large-Scale Problem

“The Worldwide Large-Scale Problem” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Valeria Kruzhkova, Romny School, Ukraine.

The Worldwide Large-Scale Problem

Why do we emphasize women's rights in the context of human rights? Because, for millennia human rights were understood to mean the rights of men, and women, according to the philosophical tradition, were considered as second-class beings. The position of a woman in society constantly attracted the attention of scientific thought. In the history, philosophy, natural sciences, religion quite often expressed completely opposite opinions, the problem was solved in different ways. Especially a lot of contradictory statements about the role of women in society and the family, its generic qualities and virtues can be found in religion.

Philosophy has created mechanisms that automatically reproduced the system of power, in which a man always appeared on the top of the social pyramid of patriarchal society, and he had the right to resort to violence in order to preserve power and maintain his authority.

The study of the social status of a woman has its own reasons. This is primarily new socio-economic relations that arise in the process of reforming society.

Gender equality implies changing stereotypes about the role of women and men in society, giving women and men the same rights for self-fulfillment both in the public sphere and in the private, and equalizing existing imbalances. Formally, all are equal in the world - the road is open to women both in politics and in big business. Let's look at the modern society. Women equally with men receive higher education. At this stage, before the springboard to the resources are all equal. Women are well integrated into the labor market. And it seems at first glance there are no problems. But where do women work? In general, these are areas that provide for care and care. Teachers are mostly women, low-level doctors - too. But how many women surgeons have you seen? No. And it's not that a woman cannot do such a job. And who forbids women to occupy high positions and get a higher salary? The answer is simple: they lack the most important resource - time. After all, except for work for the benefit of society, there is a household: children, washing, cleaning, kitchen. All in accordance with the idea that the woman is the keeper of the hearth. But only a few women devote themselves entirely to this function. Most of the full-time work on the main job. That's the problem of double employment. In my opinion, everyone should start with himself. Women should not allow that they are paid less than men for the same job. They are required to demand equal access to career advancement. A woman can negotiate with her husband about an equal, equal and equal distribution of labor within the family. One must not forget about the upbringing of children: they must understand that one should not humiliate anyone and not allow someone to humiliate oneself.

For several decades now, women have been defending our right for equality with men. Many countries prefer the age-old tradition that a man is the main creature, and a woman is a creature unworthy of having the right to education and protection of one's health. Leadership is the ability to encourage people to do what you need, and do it with great desire. In my opinion, the world, no matter what, must change its attitude towards girls. We all should have the opportunity to speak and be heard. All women must be proud that they are women. Namely, the woman is ambitious, courageous, active, and benevolent person. I think women should have the rights to study and to respect, the same as men.

Women do not always have a say in decisions that affect their lives. Women deserve to participate in their communities, advocate for their rights, and be role models for other women. The world should be committed to equal opportunity for all persons regardless of age, race, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, marital status, gender expression or sexual orientation. People should actively seek a diverse pool of candidates from a variety of backgrounds who share a commitment to this mission and vision. Community has to lead in harnessing passion to include and amplify the voices of diverse women and girls. I believe that leadership by women and girls in all sectors makes a positive difference in communities and society. I know women are strong, ambitious and innovative. We love discovering what motivates people into action and we are excited to hand out words of encouragement, thank-yous, and gifts for jobs well done. The business world needs more women leaders. With that in mind, I encourage all you women out there to use your natural talents and step up to leadership!

I am a girl and I want to live in an equal society. I am a girl and I will fight for my rights. I am a girl and I see the future in every girl.

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