Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Junior) »

Three Princesses in Adventure

“Three Princesses in Adventure” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Astrella Ardine Tiofedora, Sekolah Citra Berkat, Indonesia.

Three Princesses in Adventure

In the kingdom, there was a Princess named Aphrodite. She’s very beautiful and she was very fond of roses. The prince always provided protection to the Princess. The power of princes protecting Princess is different. Kris has a fire element, Ian has a water element, and James has a soil element. Princess Aphrodite has a twin sister named Princess Alice.

But Princess Alice is eyeing the Princess Aphrodite position because of her selfhood. One day, Princess Alice was mad because Princess Aphrodite broke the flower vase. Princess Aphrodite said sorry but Princess Alice did not forgive her. Before that, James was the protector of Princess Alice. But Princess Alice’s incident slapped Princess Aphrodite; James was upset with Princess Alice.

James was finally chosen to protect Princess Aphrodite. A week passed; Ian and Kris are assigned to look for roses in the forest. They searched for roses that year, James was assigned to accompany Princess Aphrodite. Princess looked very happy, but Princess Alice became mad. Princess Alice followed them both from the beginning.

Princess Alice finally reached to the forbidden forest to meet witch. Princess Alice asked the help of a witch to kidnap Princess Aphrodite. In the evening, the King held a banquet for the princes for finding a 100 year old rose and making Princess Aphrodite happy. Two hours later, everyone wanted to go back to their rooms. Princess Alice secretly followed James. As James changed clothes in the locker room, Princess Alice quickly put poison into James's drink on the table.

When James was almost done changing, Princess Alice hurried out of James's room. Shortly after James drank his water, he immediately vomited blood and fainted. Princess Alice went to Princess Aphrodite's room and takes her to the forbidden forest. The next day, James was awakened by the King. James can only lie down on the bed. The king informed that Princess Aphrodite has been kidnapped. Hearing that, James immediately awakened from his bed.

James invited the other Prince and they agreed. They finally embarked on a journey to save Princess Aphrodite. They walked for a while because James's body was still ill. Evenings arrived, they had to pass the gloomy sea. Fortunately the Ian can make bubbles that contain air to breathe in the water. They started the journey in the sea. As they were in the middle of the journey they heard the singing of a woman. They approached the sound. Above the stone there are beautiful women sitting. Ian holds his shoulder and instantly the woman turns into Siren.

Siren is a mermaid but her face is ugly. The voyagers are often hooked on the Siren song and finally the vessel's ship hit a big rock. Siren's long nails tear apart Prince Ian's hand and Kris cut off. Ian lost his right hand and Kris lost his left hand. James ordered Kris and Ian to go upstairs carrying Ian with his wings and waited orders from him. First, James made a long pile of dirt and then pile the ground stuck the body of Siren and brought it to the surface of the sea.

When it was above sea level, Kris burned Siren's body and died. Now they are on the seafront. James tore his clothes to bandage Prince Ian's hand. Forbidden forests are in front of their eyes. They searched for Princess Aphrodite and finally found her. Princess Aphrodite's body is overgrown with roses and they immediately get rid of it from Princess Aphrodite. The three of them took Princess Aphrodite back to the palace.

The four of them were shocked that the whole palace was empty. Kings and Queens are dead lying on the floor. Princess Alice automatically became Queen because it is older than Princess Aphrodite. Princess Aphrodite brings the knife to the right she stabbed it into her stomach and died. The three princes buried her in the rose woods. They cared for and kept the grave well. A month passes Ian and Kris hard illness sick and died. Now, they are just only James and Princess Alice.

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