Story Contest 2018 #1 - Outstanding Stories (Junior) »

Traffic Jam in the Sky

“Traffic Jam in the Sky” is one of the outstanding stories of the first biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Yamal Choudhary, Shreejee International School, Haryana, India.

Traffic Jam in the Sky

I Yamal stuck in a traffic jam believe it or not I am in the sky. There are flying cars, flying trucks, flying taxi and peoples with flying shoes. We all are above the clouds stucked in this air jam. Here are three lanes clouds called as road. For traveling people goes to another planet by rockets. Here the airport is called as spaceport. I am also going to spaceport for the rocket which will go to Mars but due to this huge traffic jam in the sky will not let me reach the spaceport. In the air the traffic moves very slowly because there is a speed limit twenty kilometer per hour. This air traffic is moving very slowly but I can see that I am going to reach the spaceport. My rocket will launch in one hour thirty minutes but I am thinking that I can reach quickly if I come on the emergency transport lane but I can’t because it’s the rule for air that you cannot come on the emergency lane because it’s only for emergency vehicles like Ambulance or police car and many more.

{AFTER SOME TIME}OMG! The time is running out in fifty minutes my rocket will launch! And I have to fill an entry form also I don’t know now what to do? Hey but the ticket is fully refundable on cancelation within 20 minutes. I have to cancel that because my car booster is going to over and the booster station is on the U turn. {AFTER THE U TURN} Oops! I have taken the U turn but the air jam on the booster station! I have to use the emergency car booster now but now my flying home is very far I think I should go to the nearest park which is minimum one kilometer far and my home is maximum 8 kilometer far.

{AFTER REACHING THE PARK} Reached the park so let’s go wait! My shoes booster is going to end up I think I should go to my home. This air jam is the worst jam in the whole solar system. {ON THE WAY} Damn it the flying truck wheel has burst out and that truck has covered the full road. I think my air luck is very bad now I am having no option the air police is saying – “please take the U turn”. Now see that’s only the problem in the air that there are no short cuts and once more I am going to the huge air traffic and that spaceport too and now my rocket has also been launched. Now I don’t know what to do because now I am stuck in the middle of the lane so there will be not a single shortcut for me till the time I reach the spaceport. Hey wait the refundable payment which I have got from the previous rocket that I will use here it’s a good idea so I have booked it and four hours are there and I will reach in two-three hours.

{AFTER TWO MINUTES} Wow the air traffic is getting less because it’s getting to be evening and some peoples has reached their homes too. I think I will reach fast. {AFTER SOME TIME} Okay now I have reached the spaceport and fifty three minutes are left. Now I am in the rocket so fasten your seat belts and let’s go! I think I am goanna mad because in the space there is a traffic jam! And I am thinking that you are thinking that’s why I always thinks so I always thinks because you think and when you think then I think and now also I am thinking that I have to write an another story name traffic jam in the space!!! So from today enjoy the traffic outside your home and beware of the sky any time a flying car can fall!

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