Outstanding Stories » Honesty Always Pay You

“Honesty Always Pay You” is one of the outstanding stories (sub-junior) of the second biannual International Short Story Contest 2018 written by Saanvi Shrivastava, Kothari International School, Noida, India.

Honesty Always Pay You

Meera was starving as she had not eaten for the last few days. Meera was an orphan and was only 10 years old. She begged on roads for food, but no one bothered to even look at her.

Sometimes, she used to wander around the streets or small hotels with a hope that someone may offer her food to eat. But no one ever noticed her.

One day, a lady stepped out from the hotel with a pack of burgers, and now it was unbearable for Meera. She went to the lady and asked her for a bun, but the lady shouted and refused to give her anything, and went away. While the lady was leaving, she took her phone out from her pocket, unaware of the fact that a handsome amount of money fell from her pocket.

Meera who was watching all this, immediately rushed and picked up the money. So many things started running in her mind. She ran down the lane and shouted, “Madam Madam” “your money madam”. The lady turned around and was full of surprise...... Meera explained her how the money fell from her pocket.

The lady was touched by the little girl’s gesture, and was even shameful for her behaviour. She apologized to Meera and took her to the restaurant, then ordered everything that Meera wanted to eat. Ahh! FOOD! said Meera, after so many days, she looked at the lady with watery eyes as if those beautiful eyes filled with love were saying thank you!!!!

The lady told Meera that she can come every day for her meals at her restaurant as she is the owner of this place.

Meera’s honesty repaid back to her, if she wanted she would have run with that money, but, she was a girl with ethical values, she was scrupulous. These are the things which money cannot buy.

So, friends always be honest and truthful in your life. Be Real, be True, be Honest and be Happy.

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