Story Contest 2016 #1 Results » First Prize Winner - Sub-junior Category
The Mango Tree – A friend of All
It was a usual cheerful and playful day for Dorothy. The only difference was that her family had shifted to a new apartment. Although she had been in the new house just two days, Dorothy had already started liking her new home very much, not only because of the spacious rooms, but also because of a large Mango tree which had lovingly extended its branches across the balcony of her house. The mango tree not only gave a beautiful view but also served as home for a large number of birds and small animals. Dorothy’s mother was also fond of plants and had kept many potted plants in the balcony.
A week passed by. On a Sunday morning, Dorothy was awakened by a loud noise in her neighbourhood. She ran towards the balcony, and to her surprise, found some people chopping off the much adored mango tree. She ran up to her mother and explained the matter.
Dorothy and her mother looked down from the balcony. They saw two men under the guidance of Mr. Denver, cutting the mango tree down. Mr. Denver was the resident of the ground floor apartment. Upon enquiry he said angrily, “Look, I am getting this job done under my expense. This tree is blocking my view. I cannot see my car properly because of this obstacle.” Dorothy and her mother understood that there was no point in having an argument with Mr. Denver.
From then on, Dorothy tried all possible ways to take her revenge against Mr. Denver for cutting her beloved mango tree. She did many pranks such as sticking the chewed chewing gum on his calling bell, sprinkling sugar in his balcony to attract ants, jumping on the floor to create noise, etc.
Days passed by. One morning, as Dorothy was helping her mother water the potted plants kept in the balcony, she couldn’t take her eyes away from the fresh green leaves sprouting from the bark of the injured mango tree. Dorothy couldn’t hold her excitement and started jumping with delight.
One day, Dorothy’s parents decided to invite Mr. Denver and his family for dinner. After all the friendly talks over dinner, Dorothy’s father casually spoke to Mr. Denver about the importance of plants in life, stressing that plants and trees in the vicinity of a house increases the market value. Mr. Denver listened very keenly. Soon Dorothy’s mother brought a potted plant from her balcony and handed it over to Mrs. Denver saying, “This plant will look beautiful in your balcony. I can take you to the nearby nursery and help you select more plants.” Mrs. Denver received her gift warmly with a smile.
Dorothy stood smiling looking at all these and admired the peaceful way her parents had chosen to save the mango tree. The mango tree, with the love and care from all, once again grew back to its original form soon.
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