Teacher Resources » Top New Year resolution ideas for teachers for 2017

Top New Year resolution ideas for teachers for 2017

Top New Year resolution ideas for teachers for 2017

The New Year is near, and it is time for the making of resolutions. Teachers, being influential people in the lives of children everywhere, have the important responsibility of updating themselves constantly, and the New Year is yet another chance to resolve to do things better. Let us look at some ideas for New Year resolutions for teachers as 2017 begins.

1. Main resolution: I shall be more organized in 2017.


  • I shall find a place to keep all stationery.
  • I shall put back things where I take it from.
  • I shall plan my lessons in advance (one day in advance at least)
  • I shall arrange clothes to wear, and things to take to school, the previous day itself so that I don’t have to rush in the morning.
  • I shall mark students’ work on the same day.

2. Main resolution: I shall update myself in my area of teaching.


  • I shall join an academic organization in my area of specialization.
  • I shall subscribe to a magazine/journal in my area of specialization.
  • I shall read for half an hour every day before sleep.
  • I shall ask for tips from senior teachers and my superiors whenever I am faced with difficulties in teaching or class management.

3. Main resolution: I shall be a better teacher this coming year.


  • I shall prepare for my lessons every day.
  • I shall use media such as ICT, Newspapers, and Power Point presentations to make my lessons more interesting.
  • I shall learn new techniques of classroom management.
  • I shall mark students’ work without delay.
  • I shall try to appreciate my students whenever an opportunity arises.
  • I shall try to catch my students doing good.
  • I shall not make fun of / tease/ put down my students in any way.
  • I shall encourage the weak students in my class in every way and I will not criticize them.

4. Main resolution: I shall be kinder to my students.


  • I shall not scream or shout at students from now on.
  • I shall not cane my students.
  • I shall not use violence of any kind on my students.
  • I shall learn and use new classroom management techniques that does not involve violence of any kind.
  • I shall make my classes so interesting that students will not even think of distracting themselves with other things.

5. Main resolution: I shall not gossip in the staffroom


  • I shall not waste time on loose talk.
  • When I do not have class, I shall spend time preparing for the next class or making student work.
  • My talk in the staffroom will be positive in nature.
  • I will not talk badly about any other teacher.
  • I will try to appreciate other teachers whenever I get a chance.
  • I will never talk ill about my superior to other teachers.
  • I will never talk ill about other teachers to my superior.

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