Toys Games » Fun Skool Play – Doh ABC 123

Fun Skool Play – Doh ABC 123 - Toy Game
Teaching alphabets and numbers to kids can be a pure fun!
One such way is letting them play with the alpha-numeric! The playdoh kit from Fun Skool has 4 high quality moulds and non-toxic and colorful doh in two different colors.
This comes in a beautiful pack and the doh may instantly attract the little ones. The play doh is bright and made of non-toxic materials. Kids love to play with colors and shapes. They will be happy to create a shape. Giving a demo would be helpful for the kids to have fun while learning.
Instead of applying a single color doh in one mould, you can teach them apply dohs in different colors, which makes the play time more interesting.
This play dough may not be a good option for kiddies to start teaching the basics. It is because of the negative element, the size of the mould. May be, only the children with knowledge of alphabets and numbers, who can identify the alphabets or numbers find it interesting to create the shapes.
It is a bit smaller and if it was larger with doh in additional vibrant colors, the kid would have been more interesting and entertaining for kids!
It is a good toy to keep the little one engaged for quite some time. It is a good buy, in spite of a few negatives.
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