e-Books » A Rainbow Tangled Up

E-book Review

Do you know what a rainbow is, isn’t it? A Rainbow is the reflection of light through water molecules! There are seven colors in a rainbow. Can you name the colors in the right order? Good!

This eBook is about the story that revolves around the rainbow!

In this story the different colors of a rainbow is described as ribbons. Urania is a rainbow fairy. She felt so tired at the end of the day. She saw a beautiful gold cloud and decided to have some rest.

Meanwhile, the different colors in the rainbow started to fight with each other. All seven colors of the rainbow were tangled together to form the real rainbow. They began the conversation and argued with each other. The conversation was about holding the first place and superiority among them. Green argued that she was found everywhere and she forms the nature, while blue argued that she was eternal and seen in the sky and the sea. Every color argued and they started to de-tangle. Realizing the tragedy, they stopped arguing with each other and tried hard to stick together. Unfortunately, every color de-tangled and was separated.

Urania, the rainbow fairy who was quite unaware of this was having rest. She was thinking about getting the ribbons together. The ribbons were separated and they found themselves appearing in grey shade. Yes, they lost all their natural color and appeared pale! They were no longer beautiful, neither they could create a rainbow!

Was Urania able to shower the colors to the ribbons and tangle them together? Read the story.

Each color of the rainbow ribbon has been assigned a name by the author. It makes an interesting part to read the colors with their names. The story begins with the conversation named with different characters! And we realize it was the names of the rainbow ribbons.

I concern a little about the actual colors illustrated! While the images are good, the illustrated rainbow ribbons don’t actually represent the true shades of a rainbow.

The eBook has many interesting facts about the rainbow, listed after the story. It has some facts about rainbow, how it is formed, the mythology story from the past and many more. And you do have some colorful activities!

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