MonsterMe e-Books for Elementary School Kids and Teachers

MonsterMe e-Books

MonsterMe All Phone & Games: Cyberbullying is now all too common in the classroom and in our daily lives. Follow the adventures of Newmon and his fellow classmates as they create "doh" creations and take photos on their cellphones with questionable intentions.

MonsterMe Body Chemistry: Learn about nutrition and sugar through comics! Follow the adventures of Midori and Perla, a Cookie Monster and a few friends as they go on an adventure to discover why Perla still feels hungry after eating a big meal.

MonsterMe Newmon: Don't be a bully! Follow the adventures of Newmon as he interacts with his classmates Sky & Izumi, who ultimately teach valuable lessons on friendship and sharing.

MonsterMe No Fair: This 3-issue edition includes All Phone & Games, Body Chemistry and Newmon Join in on the adventure as Newmon and his fellow classmates experience cyberbullying, learn about nutrition and tackle bullying together.

MonsterMe Lion Queen: LeMon's adventure has her testing out the goods of 3 LIONS. But what will happen when those 3 lions find out a MONSTER has been messing with their stuff?

MonsterMe Monster Maker: Newmon's magical "pend" draws ANYTHING - including any toy or product he could ever want. But after he owns EVERYTHING, does he really have it all?

All Teacher's Editions (available for All Phone & Games, Body Chemistry, Newmon, No Fair, Lion Queen) are the same stories but include a Teacher's Guide at the end of each story.

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