e-Books ยป Burly and Grum and the Secret City

E-book Review

Max, a boy with his friends Burly and Grum enjoyed a picnic in the woods. He was captured by the hunters when they discovered a secret city in the forest. How did they escape from the hunters? Were they able to succeed?

Burly and Grum are popular animal sketches! There is a unique collection of Burly and Grum stories featuring these two animals as heroes! Who are they? Burly is the short name of the Burlington Bear, a bear actually! Who is Grum? Grum is actually a Groblin or Goblin? So, do you know who a Groblin looks? No idea, it looks like an alien animal, love insects and fear for beautiful things.

The story line is very simple.

Max is an adventurous and ambitious boy and a best friend of Burly and Grum. A secret city was discovered in the midst of a dense forest. Max had a picnic with Burly and Grum in the middle of the forest. Burly discovered a secret city in the forest. While Groblin and Max were having some difference of opinions in picking their meals, Burly showed them the secret city. When they were about to explore the city, Burly was knocked down and the hunters captured Max. The hunters were controlling the forest and do not want to reveal about the beautiful city to the rest of the world. It was a city, where humans lived happily and the secret treasures were hidden. How they were saved, forms rest of the story.

This story has no illustrations, i.e. the pictures that typical children books would have. Yet, it is exciting to read.

This is a beautiful story narrated with nice morals. The story after Maxโ€™s being captured by the hunters take an adventurous journey with funny moments. Many friends joined hands with Burly and Grum to help Max and to save their secret city from the evil hands of the mean hunters.

The characters are so lovable and adorable. The conversation is very simple and kids aged 9 or 10 years and above will find it so amusing to read on their own. For younger ones, make it a bed time story.

Do not miss this!

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