e-Books » The Crooked Man and Other Rhymes

E-book Review

We have access to hundreds of rhymes and short stories for children in form of paper books, eBooks, audios and videos. Nursery Rhymes and vocal stories were the major part of children education in the olden days. We have handpicked a few collections of vintage rhymes and vintage stories for children, which were very popular before a few decades. This is one of the vintage collections of eBooks for kids featuring easy nursery rhymes for kids.

When it comes to nursery rhymes for kids, all children could first think about ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,’ ‘Jack and Jill’ etc. Now, let us move back and learn the popular rhymes. The eBook has 8 rhymes for kids.

The first rhyme is about a crooked man, who found everything crooked and lived in a crooked house. The Crooked Man is one of the popular stories in the British History, dating back to the period of King Charles I.

The second rhyme is about a sober boy Tom who fined it hard to fall asleep. This is one of the beautiful rhymes to sing along!

The eBook has a popular rhyme too, ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’!

These rhymes will help kids to learn and practice new words. Some of the rhymes have the words like tongue twister which would be helpful to kids to grasp and improve their vocabulary.

Every rhyme has the relevant picture and they are absolutely different from the colorful and attractive pictures accompanied by the nursery rhymes available today! However, it looked so unique and kids will love to see it!

Give a read, these are very simple nursery stories that you can make the child enjoy.

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