e-Books » First Pages

E-book Review

First Pages! What do they mean? The eBook features 9 different stories carrying different flavors and emotions, sketched beautifully.

In this eBook the author provided different texture to his stories, combined in a single book. The stories carry beautiful actions, happiness, tears of joy, pain of separation, anxiety, anger depression, disappointment, etc. The author of this eBook is an expert in creative writing.

The stories are narrated as the characters speak to the readers. Yes, they talk to you. The first story, Dark pages refer to the testimony and confessions of a murder!

The second story, I AM Alice, the major character narrates the journey of her life. Dotted with interesting twists, the story of Alice appeals to the readers.

The Journey is about Eleni! She wanted to surprise Philip on his birthday. She left office soon to surprise her partner. However, she was shocked by an incident. Eleni left home and wandered in streets, this makes her journey.

Wrong Priority! This story is about Peter, his wife and son. Peter was in a hurry to his office. He had a presentation that day. As he was rushing to the office, his wife reminded him about their sons’ exhibition at his school. She told that the boy would love and expect his father’s presence. Peter wasn’t interested. Was his priority gone wrong?

All other stories carry different characters in different backgrounds.

This is definitely not for the younger children. Pre-teens or Tweens may find it very interesting. It is like a part of child literature. Not many children many find this eBook appealing. The eBook has no images, no illustrations, but plain text. However, this is a colorful compilation of different stories, rather incidents and experiences, giving a complete satisfaction to the readers. This eBook is definitely for those who love literature.

The beauty of this eBook is the language! The stories are narrated in a very simple tone! You can ask the children to read the passages to develop the proficiency.

A collection and compilation of experiences of life!

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