e-Books ยป Gecko on the Wall Colouring Edition
E-book Review
Have you read the eBook for kids, titled, โ Gecko on the wall ?โ Not yet, then go here and read the eBook, which actually is a nursery rhyme for kids.
This is the plain, colorless version of the same Gecko on the Wall eBook. Now, you get the coloring edition of the same rhyme.
Here is the synopsis of the rhyme.
The boy narrates his experiences with the Gecko. He saw a gecko on the wall and loved to watch it quietly. The boy loved the gecko accompanying him. Next he saw another gecko inviting him to have a cup of tea. He was thinking whether to join the gecko. The third gecko he met was in a pool enjoying cool lemonade! The gecko asked him to join him in the pool. Next, the boy met the gecko on the roof of his home. He met different geckos in different places. But he loved on gecko the most, what was that?
It was the gecko on the wall.
In the earlier colored version, different geckos were differentiated with vibrant shades. The gecko who invited to sip a cup of tea wore red skirt! Similarly, you can ask the child to apply different shades to differentiate it.
Written by the famous child book author Danielle Bruckert and is known for his simple style of writing featuring the simple, everyday concepts in life. The pictures make the eBook look more attractive. Every activity of the geckos is beautifully pictured and now you can make it more attractive. You can seek references from the original colored version or pick your choice of colors. Green gecko was the favorite of the boy and you can try your favorite gecko in different color.
Younger ones who love to explore their colorful world with different colors will find it so amusing. Make the time entertaining and useful by coloring the pages.
It is essential that the child should read and understand the colored version of the eBook before coloring this book.
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