e-Books ยป Jordan and the Little Magic Pencil

E-book Review

Can you guess the theme or plot of this eBook for kids? Imagine what you can do with the magic pencil! So, this is not a fantasy story as most of you would have imagined! The magic pencil mentioned here is not pencil that does some good magic, rather helps the kids to do some wonderful magic!

Language skills are important! Language development is essential to speak, express the feeling, have conversation, to learn, to read, to write and it goes on! Language development is seen as something very difficult. However, developing language skills is not a big task at all. It all depends upon how elders project and how kids perceive. This is explained in this eBook.

Jordan was a happy boy raised in a happy family. He lived in the surroundings were all children loved to develop their language skills. The homes of the kids were constructed like alphabets and there were many libraries filled with hundreds of books for children.

Since Jordan found it difficult to read and write, he does not have many friends. He spent most his free time alone. One day, he lost his way home as he forgets the spelling.

He then saw a colorful tree with alphabets. He was pulled inside the tree. The tree had a single desk. Jordan saw a colorful pencil. Yes, it was the magic pencil. The pencil welcomed him to learn and develop his language. Jordan explained his difficulty in finding the right spelling. The magic pencil consoled him.

He had a flying book where the book displayed him colorful simple words. The magic pencil started to teach him. Learn from easy to hard.

Jordan visited the magic tree and the magic pencil the next day also. The book teaches how to learn the hard words easily. (You have to read the parts to understand it thoroughly)

One example: A CUP โ€“ The cup is spelled with the letter โ€˜Uโ€™ although the pronunciation of the letter is different. It is because a cup always comes in a U shape!

The next day he visited the place, but there was no tree, no desk and no magic pencil!

Jordan realized the truth and happily reached home gaining confidence.

This is one of the must to read eBooks for kids. It teaches the language with logical reasoning in a simple way.

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