e-Books » Mikolay And Julia Meet The Fairies

E-book Review

This is essentially a moral story that teaches the little ones the importance of growing trees and preservation of forests.

Mikolay and Julia were neighbors. They were children of witches. They have their school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Every alternative weekend they had their training on learning magic skills at magic school. They had plenty of time as both mothers, being witches were very busy. Whenever Mikolay and Julia were alone, they enjoyed exploring the world and doing something adventurous.

While Mikolay was interested in pursuing his magical powers in magic school, Julia wasn’t very much interested.

One day, Mikolay forced Julia to use some magic powers and join him on an adventurous journey. They peeked through a hole, which took them to a magical room. The room was filled with magical elements. Julia was surprised to see the room and went straight to explore the book shelf.

On the other hand, Mikolay saw a wardrobe. They could hear a beautiful song from the wardrobe. When they opened it, they saw a beautiful fairy with wings called Farina. Farina looked so beautiful that Julia was fallen in love seeing her.

Farina was so sad that monsters were hunting her and destroying her home. Mikolay told Julia that they should help Farina and beat monsters.

Julia was a little bit hesitant as if they were caught using the magical powers, they would be locked in a room! However, hearing the requests from Farina and insistence from Mikolay, Julia used her magic crystal ball for flying to Farina’s home.

It was a forest before and the trees were destroyed. Animals and birds were in search of their shelter and Farina pointed the huge machines and humans approaching the forest to destroy for construction of building.

Farina requested Mikolay and Julia to save forest and destroy the machines. Did Mikolay and Julia helped Farina and the other animals by saving forests from cruel humans and harmful machines?

Now, read the story!

Would you allow anyone to destroy your shelter? Follow the footsteps of Mikolay and Julia to help fairies and animals, save forests, prevent cutting down trees, but instead grow trees.

There is a negative element to this eBook story. The eBook doesn’t feature many pictures that could illustrate various incidents. Children are moved by the pictures and colorful scenes. Absence of sufficient photos can lead kids a little boring. Still, it is really important reading the story. Don’t miss it and make your child read this story. Why don’t you to draw some scenes from the story and make it more interesting? Try it!

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