e-Books ยป Mysrini and the Blessed Pomegranate Tree
E-book Review
Fairy tales takes us to different heights. Hearing and reading fairytales has been a favorite pastime as well bedtime activity for many children. Here is one more fairytale for you provided in form of eBooks for kids. The story Mysrini and the Blessed Pomegranate Tree is about a beautiful and blessed village, the happy villagers, the unexpected fire, followed by missing Mysrini!
It was a beautiful village. The villagers lived happily. You can trace happiness and bounty in every single element. Men and women flourished in the village with their beauty. Children learn with great joy and interest. Nature spread her wings and blessed with abundance. There was nothing in the village called sadness! No anger, no grief, no crying and nothing negative.
Fresh valley, beautiful mountains, uninterrupted rhythmic flow of river, harmless animals, healthy and intelligent kids, and everything was like icing on a cake, until that nightmare happened! Yes, the happiness of the village was completely destroyed on a night.
It was an unusual dark night and strangely the dogs started to bark loudly. Wolves howled fiercely like never before. Birds started making strange noises depicting the fear!
Soon the villagers realized that the fire with its wild desire for destruction was approaching them. They rushed to alert other people in the village about the fire. They all tried to put off the fire by pouring water using large cans. Unfortunately, wind was against them. The powerful wind blowing towards the fire spread all over the entire village quickly caught on fire.
Men and women with their kids frightened and ran around to get away from the disaster. They ran towards the riven and reached the river stream which was the safest place. Everyone was crying seeing the village getting destroyed. The nightmare left the village, destroying half of the village.
They got relieved and started to count and assure that nobody is missing. They realized that Mysrini, the daughter of the teacher was missing. The teacher started crying with the other children. Mysrini was a beautiful and warm hearted girl. She loved everyone!
What happened to Mysrini? Was she safe? What is special about the pomegranate tree? Were the villagers able to rescue mysrini?
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