e-Books » That Worked

E-book Review

Do you experience a sibling rivalry in your home? Then this is for you and your kids! Let the kids read this story. This ebook contains the story of the little boy who was troubled by his younger sister.

Sibling rivalry is very common among kids. Either of the siblings would always love to snatch the toys picked by the other one. The main character of the ebook experiences the same from his sister. What did he do? Let us read.

The little boy loves to play with his younger sister. They have lot of toys to play around and have fun. The favorite game of the boy is ‘Animals at Home!’ The little ones used to build LEGO houses to shelter their animals. It is the boy’s most favorite game. However, whenever he starts building the LEGO house, his sister would rush and grab it from him. So, when the boy tries to play with a toy puppy, the girl would want it! Can you help out this boy?

What would you do when your brother or sister fights with you? Just go and tell your mom right? The boy went to his mom and told that her sister is snatching all the toys he picked to play. The mommy was too busy to solve his problem and asked the boy to find a solution by himself.

The boy couldn’t find a solution. He thought of pinching her, but it is bad! He couldn’t harm her sister for a toy! He tried grabbing the toy from her, even that didn’t work.

Finally he got the solution! What was that? Read the story!

The pictures of the ebook are beautiful and sufficiently explain the story! Kids could easily grab the concept and the messages from the pictures. The text is very simple and written in easy language.

The ebook is so colorful and attractive. The story features an interesting and common concept that is experienced in every household. You have the solution for the typical sibling rivalry for toys!

Sometimes, tiny thoughts bring big differences. The boy had a different thought and his intelligent decision made him happy!

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