e-Books » The Box

E-book Review

Hello kiddies, do you know what transplantation is? Transferring an organ from one person (who may or may not declared dead) to another person is called transplantation. Organ transplants are life savior. Organs like kidney, liver, heart, eyes, etc can be transplanted from one person to another. This eBook is about a family who experienced hard times connected with transplantation.

The eBook is narrated as theatrical play. It is divided into four parts. The play begins with beautiful introductions of characters.

It was a happy family. A family of four members: father, mother, son and a daughter. Both the father and mother were educated. They were employed too. The son was studying in the first year in college. The daughter was a junior high school student. They lived very happily without many worries. The children were good at studies. The tragedy started on the boy’s birthday.

It was his 19th birthday. The play started with celebrating his 19th birthday. They planned well to celebrate the birthday in the evening. The boy went happily riding in his bike. He met with a fatal accident. Imagine how hard it would be on his family? The family rushed to the hospital. He was declared brain dead. He couldn’t survive without life support devices. Still, he remained in coma, without any senses. His family shattered. Although his brain was injured, his vital organs functioned properly. The doctors had a conversation about transplanting his functioning organs to the needy children.

His father and mother, although educated, refused to donate his organs. The doctors and the parents of the children who need organs pleaded to them. However, they were very stubborn and refused donating the organs.

Months passed by. The family tore up. One more tragedy stuck their life. The little girl was diagnosed with kidney failure. The doctors prescribed organ transplant. They were asked to find a donor for the girl. The girl was in critical stage. They could not find a donor. The mother realized that how painful when the other parents who pleaded for organs from his son earlier. Were they able to get a donor and transplant the kidney to the girl? Read the play.

It is a must to read eBook for kids. Although the book is suitable for grown up kids, parents can read the eBook to the younger ones. It makes a great play in schools.

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