e-Books » The Clown’s Life

E-book Review

How do you overcome your fears and sadness? By gaining some strong support, isn’t it? Do you know that the support is actually the love and kindness! Love and kindness, sharing and caring can overcome almost all fears! Happiness overcomes all difficulties.

There was a magic tree. The tree had no flowers or fruits or seeds, but a lot of tales. Every day, a tale would bloom on the tree. Kids used to read a story every day. One day, a tale about a Clown’s life bloomed.

Who is a clown? Clown is someone who dresses up in colorful, bright colorful hair and funny clothes applying colors on face, featuring a funny look! Most importantly, a red ball placed on the nose make the clown distinctive!

Life of a clown is all about making others happy. The only duty of the clown is making people laugh. Here is a clown who only knows to make people happy. He wore colorful dresses to make him funny to let people laugh. He covered his face with colors to pose himself funny! He grew up as the most wanted and most favorite clown. Elders and kids chased him. He promised himself to cheer the people and made it as his ultimate goal. The clown became a super star among the kids. He learned all tricks and magic to make children laugh.

And yes, he fulfilled his promise. His funny acts transformed a sober mind burst into laughing. And he grew older. Soon, he may pass and die. Who would fill his space?

The images are wonderful. The pictures make the eBook more interesting and colorful. Kids as well as elders would love the images.

The eBook starts with a brief passage about relationships and humanity. Parents can read this part to kids and let child understand about kindness.

Just like the introduction of the story, imagine if you get access to a tree that blooms a story every day? Read and hear tales daily to develop your mind, spend your leisure usefully, and learn new things, behavior, morals and much more.

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