e-Books » The Jealousy Germ

E-book Review

Do you have friends who work along with you as a team? Do you fight with friends often? Staying along and working together is a good habit! Fighting or showing off hatred will not help you always. Hope you know the story of four bulls and a lion.

The eBook, The Jealousy Germ narrates a similar story that depicts the importance of staying united and showing love to one another.

It was a small but beautiful bakery. The bakery was run by two brothers. They had delicious ingredients, which are kind to one another. They are butter, olive oil, salt, sugar, flour and wooden shovel. Using these ingredients they baked very delicious goodies, pie and donuts. Although it was a very small bakery, the goodies were prepared hygienically and they tasted great. People would stand in a huge queue to buy these goodies. One day, a germ entered the bakery.

He was a jealousy germ. He had bad intentions and decided to separate everyone. He made butter and olive oil fight with each other. He created a huge quarrel among salt and sugar. Similarly, he also made the flour and wooden shovel rivals. Also, the donuts and pies! Everyone looked so angry and they never spoke to anyone.

The bakery owners realized this. The fight between donuts and pies reached to an extreme level. They started hitting the each other. They didn’t taste great! Meanwhile, the tiny germ grew into a fat germ.

The bakery owners found the culprit, the germ. They chased the germ, but he hid in the sesame box. The next day they decided to use germ spray to kill germ. However, the awkward flavor of the germ spray made the customers ran out of the bakery. Those happy customers who were in a good relationship with the bakery didn’t enter the bakery because of the worst case scenario. The bakery remained empty. Also, the germ troubled the bakery owners, which made him appear mad! The bakery was shut down. The germ was very happy and he grew so large.

What happened to that bakery and those lovely ingredients? Were they able to shed their differences and tried to unite together? Read the story and enjoy!

The images are good. The story is narrated in a simple tone and even the younger ones can understand it very easily. Don’t miss it.

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