e-Books » The Other Side

E-book Review

Do you know about the Big Mac and the Little Dipper? Don’t know? Probably you might have read about the story of Big Mac and Little Dipper. Big Mac and Little Dipper are two dogs. If you know about them, then skip the link and continue below.

Big Mac and the Little Dipper

Big Mac and Little Dipper are popular characters in the world of children stories. They are best buddies. This ebook talks about the desire of these two buddies who wanted to pursue an adventure. They wanted to see and explore what is on the other side!

One day Mac was chasing a cat and stopped in the midway when he saw Dipper digging something. He enquired her, what was she doing. Dipper told Mac she found a hole and wanted to dig it.

Mac in a flash thought about the cat he was chasing and the cat was missing. Dipper was very much interested to see the other side. She asked Mac to join her and they can see the other side. However, Mac wasn’t really interested to go with Dipper. He was even afraid to join her. Mac was little bit worried that his masters Mr and Mrs Smith had advised him not to go far away from the house. Dipper convinced Mac and they decided to see the other side of the hole. They saw the cat and rushed to catch the cat. Suddenly the cat went missing. Mac and Dipper lost their way home. The rest of the story is about the experiences of the Mac and Dipper on their way to the Other Side.

What was there on the other side and were they able to return home?

This is the coloring edition of the eBook ‘The Other Side!’The book has text with plain images. You can download or print the eBook and let the kids color it.

This could be an interesting story for children and parents can make their time very entertaining as well as educational. Read the story for your kid or ask them to read the story, followed by coloring the pages! The storyline is very simple and will be loved by children.

Don’t miss reading it.

Download / Read Online (36 Pages : 14.9 MB)
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