e-Books » A Fish with a Wish

A Fish with a Wish

A fish with a wish is the story of a wish that longed for liberty from the fish tank he was placed.

A fish was purchased from the shop by a man for his daughter’s birthday. The fish was placed in a small tank. The fish wasn’t very happy with the home he had. He kept on complaining to himself that the fish tank was smaller and there is not enough room to enjoy. There were no toys, no funny animals or pebbles to play. The water isn’t very clear to enjoy! The fish found it too hard to survive.

The fish was literally crying and wished to get liberty! He saw a beautiful bright light showered on him. And it was a beautiful tiny star. Fish told his story to the star and wished that it would be great to live elsewhere. Fish expressed his desire to explore the ocean and live with no limits on a sea. The star pitied on the fish and told him that she would grant his wishes, but he can ask for a wish only once.

The fish asked to make him a gigantic whale! The happy whale explored the ocean but was noticed by the fishermen in the boat. They tried to capture the whale. But the frightened whale called the star and asked him to make him a bird.

The happy bird flew over mountains and trains and enjoyed the life. But it was very short as the bird was targeted by a hunter. The fish then asked the star to turn him into a bear, and as different creatures. The fish could stay happy and safe in any form and returned back to its old form. The star was totally irritated with fish’s behavior and warned that he had only one last wish and he should stick to it.

The fish would have no option to change the way he would look or return back to the normal life when he wasn’t happy with the final wish. While fish was thinking, he saw a beautiful girl coming to the room in a wheel chair. They both became good friends.

Star returned back to grant the final wish to the fish. What was that? Read the eBook!

The font size is way too small and slightly unappealing. Bigger size clear fonts would have eased reading the book. Other than that, it is an excellent read for children.

Now, tell me what will you wish for if you are granted a wish?

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