e-Books » Bugs By Numbers

E-book Review

Bugs By Number is a simple and educational eBook for children. It is all about learning counting the numbers from one to five. The text is given in rhyme format and it makes an easy read.

In a garden, under a tree, there were many tiny creatures lived. Butterflies, bugs, honeybees and many tiny and colorful creatures lived in the garden. Now, you have to start counting the number of every creature and tell how many creatures you found. You can use this eBook as a basic learning tool to teach your child how to count.

The pictures are the exceptional part of this eBook for kids. Without the clarity and beauty, the eBook wouldn’t be useful. In the introduction page, all creatures were beautifully designed as if they live in the garden! The pictures aren’t exotic, but they are very simple and beautiful, would be loved by the children.

The story is developed in the form of a nursery rhyme with rhythmic words. Kids will love it and find it easy to follow.

This is an easy way of learning designed by the author. At First, the text is asking the question, followed by the picture. For example, how many Geckos can you see in the garden? Now, the child would say the answer, which is followed by the similar picture but with number! The first one was one gecko and marked with number 1. The second one was busy bees and there were two bees, the answer picture is marked with number 2 and so on!

Isn’t that interesting to learn? Don’t try to rush through the pages before you count the numbers.

Learning is fun! This is one of the must to have eBooks for kids. You can let your child learn online or can download the book, save it for later. Kids find it difficult to count the elements just with numbers. When we give them something colorful and interesting, it will encourage them. So, are you ready to count the numbers?

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